Slane Castle Tabs/Chords?

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Jul 18, 2004
Has anyone found out the tabs or chords for any of the songs at Slane Castle where the entire song was redone (from the album versions). Songs like Sunday Bloody Sunday that are the same, i really don't care. Anyone figure out or know the awesome solo in Bullet the Blue Sky or how Mysterious Ways goes?

I'm kinda new at playing guitar and Edge won't hold still long enough for me to find anything out so can someone help?
If it's like the album version, which i think it is, should only be tuned a half step down.
Sunday Bloody Sunday is either tuned differently, or just played differently than the album version... I am not good enough at guitar to tell which one. But, I can play 70% of the bullet the blue sky solo... it is a really tough one towards the end there.
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