since were all talking about sex anyway...

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Get out of here Teddy Bear.

Get yer ass in my birthday thread and reply you evil black - hearted bear.

I wont give you any fries.

Yes, today is my birthday.
Aren't you a bit old to be having the facts of life taught to ya Mr Bear?
Ok, I'm confused... I don't see anything in deathbear's post...

"From an artist's point of view, failure is where you get your best material." -Bono

My feeble attempt at a website:
Rattle And Hum
There isn't anything.It's either attention seeking,just to see how many of us check out the topic or all they know about sex.Take you pick.
Originally posted by Discoteque:
watch out, Pleba gals have been known to swarm and attack any guys that happen to wander in here, be they Bear or not!

You have been warned. Rawr.



~*Everybody's talkin' about POP Musik!*~

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