Searching for Clam-Jamming baseline

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Blue Crack Addict
Aug 12, 2005
Waiting for this madness to end.
I can't rock out with the cock out. But I can jam out with the clam out!

I kind of like Adam's simplistic style, but I think one of his best clam-jamming songs would be Gloria. :love:

Whatcha think?

I don't know what to say! I'm biting my tongue as I type....:wink:
corianderstem said:
Never mind. Let's just let the record state that I really dislike "clam" as a euphemism.

you didn't say that about "cock" in the other thread :hmm:
snowbunny00774 said:

lol, and what use is that to anyone?

on topic...hmm..I'll have to think about it.

Sadly, no clams "out" here tonight. :sad:
If Edge is cock-rockin'
and Adam is clam-jammin'
then what the hell is Larry doing?
unico said:
eh...i take back booty shakin. it needs to fit the
*blank* out with the *rhymeswithblank* out formula.

noone else has suggested a song. i :sad:

What kind of basslines do you want exactly?

Adam did jokingly say he simulates love making by beating a piece of wood with a wire on which it vibrates. :hmm:

Some days are better than others
A Man & a Woman
If you wear that velvet dress
With or Without You
Love Comes Tumbling
Mysterious Ways
thrillme said:

What kind of basslines do you want exactly?

Clam-jamming ones of course! :wink:

Adam did jokingly say he simulates love making by beating a piece of wood with a wire on which it vibrates. :hmm:

Hahaha! I hadn't heard that one before. He's right on!

You're right, A Man and a Woman is a great one. I remember when I first listened to that song I said "Oh hey, there's Adam!" I also liked the simple yet groovy bassline in Stay.
xaviMF22 said:
elevated_u2_fan did you come up with that name?....cause it sucks :wink:

well I knew how much you love ATYCLB and all things related so I specifically went with this name just to show you how much I care...

xaviMF22 :up:

xaviMF22... how did you come up with that name?....cause it makes no sense :wink:
elevated_u2_fan said:

well I knew how much you love ATYCLB and all things related so I specifically went with this name just to show you how much I care...

xaviMF22 :up:

xaviMF22... how did you come up with that name?....cause it makes no sense :wink:

hey bitch....or elevated u2 fan lol :wink:

my name is cool :cool:
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