Blue Crack Addict
But, the fact that the movie was portrayed as EVERYONE was doing this in their high school years (during the 80's)Originally posted by corianderstem
Yeah, I agree. Just because I wasn't living the life of trying to get laid and get drunk every night in high school doesn't mean other teens weren't.

That's what I find as a 'highly-exaggerated' plot for this movie. That is how the completely 'unrealistic' part comes into play. Simply because NOT EVERY single solitary person WAS attempting to be so-ooo (let's say) popular. Most, and I mean most, were setting a positive example.

Exactly ... you just 'hit the nail on the head' with Fast Times.Originally posted by corianderstem
I couldn't relate to the goal of sex and partying, and I found myself annoyed by the characters instead of finding them funny. But ANYWAY. Back to Fast Times ...)

Well, if some did need to 'go that route' ... it was never discussed or made public. In fact, usually it was those few who would abandon schooling where ever they were to avoid further embarrassment.Originally posted by corianderstem
And how was the abortion plotline unrealistic? Did girls not need abortions in the 80s?