Se habla espanol???

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Trash Can

Mar 22, 2001
It was brought up in another thread, and I'm just wondering who here speaks spanish an/or is Latino.

I myself am of Mexican descent. Hablo espanol, y soy originalmente de El Paso, Texas (Viva Juarez!).

Anyone else?


El Bote de La Basura

[This message has been edited by Trash Can (edited 12-11-2001).]
Well, let's see......

Considering how close to the border I grew up, I should speak Spanish. And occasionally, people mistakingly think I do.

But sadly, I never learned.
Hablo un poco de espanol.

If you cannot live together in here, you cannot live together out there, let me tell ya. --Bono

You've got to cry without weeping, talk without speaking, scream without raising your voice... --Bono
Si bueno yo hablo espanol! Pero no lo hablo muy seguido!
No sabia que hablas espanol Trash Can! Que bien!


Love, slowly stripped away
Love has seen its better day...

(??.?(?*?.? ?.?*?)?.??)
?.???. *Monica*.???.?
(?.??(?.??* *??.?)??.)

[This message has been edited by SweetOnU2 (edited 12-11-2001).]
Si, tengo que hablar en espanol con mi papa, porque el... despues de estar en esta nacion por mas de quarenta anos y ya ser un ciudadano, todavia NO habla ingles!
Tu cres??

Oye Oxijeno, que bien oir de ti!

yo soy de monterrey ,mexico

aunque creo que ni el mugre espa?ol lo hablo bien

a mexican poet, but not a very good one
Originally posted by Trash Can:
Si, tengo que hablar en espanol con mi papa, porque el... despues de estar en esta nacion por mas de quarenta anos y ya ser un ciudadano, todavia NO habla ingles!
Tu cres??

WOW, tu papa tiene muchos anos aqui!! Mis padres son de Mexico, tienen 26 anos aqui, pero ellos fueren a muchas clases de Ingles y lo aprendieron rapido. Pero que bien que tu papa es ciudadano!!

Voxxie, LOL, bueno yo tampoco hablo muy bien el espanol!
Y lo estado hablado toda mi vida tambien!

Se me hace raro escribir en espanol aqui! LOL

Love, slowly stripped away
Love has seen its better day...

(??.?(?*?.? ?.?*?)?.??)
?.???. *Monica*.???.?
(?.??(?.??* *??.?)??.)
Mi mama es Colombiana y tengo mucha familia de alla. Siempre voy alla a ver mis amigos y mi familia, me encanta. La prensa habla muy mal de mi pais, pero es un pais increidible. Lo amo con todo mi corazon...

"Work like you don't need the money, love like you've never been hurt, live like there is no tomorrow, dance like no one is watching." --Bono

"The only limits are the limits of our imagination. Dream up the kind of world you want to live in. Dream out loud. At high VOLUME".
Solamente un poco.

Or something like that. *lol*

"I don't know you,
But you don't know the half of it..."
Yo hablo espanol. E vivido toda mi vida en Canada, pero soy de El Salvador. El Castellano es lenguage mas lindo del mundo.
Originally posted by Trash Can:
I'm just wondering who here speaks spanish an/or is Latino.

No puedo dicir que hablo espa?ol, porque soy brasile?a y ac? se habla portugues, pero lo entiendo todo que ustedes escribiran arriba.

Pero soy latina por supuesto, entonces ac? estoy.

How about that? The best I can do in spanish

Sometimes I feel kinda lonely, because there are no portuguese speakers here nowadays, not so many at least. But I know there are lots of spanish speakers. So I?m learning spanish, with ya?ll
. I?m talkative, two languages are not enough for me, LOL

"To me a rock and roll concert is 3-D, it?s a physical thing - it?s rhythm for the body. It?s a mental thing in that it should be intellectually challenging. But it?s also a spiritual thing, because it?s a community, it?s people agreeing on something, even if it?s only for an hour and a half." (Bono, as quoted in the book U2 The Road to Pop)
Hey Follower, what's up with the Brasilian soccer team? They're really pissing me off. I've been loyal follower for about 20 years now, but this team is probably the worst i've seen in all that time. Think there is any chance they may wake up when the World Cup starts? God, I hope so. The last thing I want is to wake up one morning and find out Italia or Argentina have won! AHHH!!!!!!!!

PS Nothing Against Italians Or Argentines, I just don't like you
Hablo espanol pero hablo un poco. Tengo 16 anos y estudio Espanol para 5 anos. Soy de Irlande del Norte.

And if you look, you look through me.

L'amore giunger
E non so pi pregare
E nell'amore non so pi sperare
E quell'amore non so pi aspettare e-mail me :)
The perpetually handsome Mullen appears to have stopped ageing around the time of The Joshua Tree.
"It doesn't matter what songs we sing.
I'm a drummer. Chicks dig me." -Larry
Larry likes to play drums." - Bono
"Larry's always been noticed cos he's the pretty one." - Adam
"Bono, if you still haven't found what you're looking for, look behind the drumkit." - Boy George
A man so handsome, he will never be let sing in this group!"
-Bono, introducing Larry at Irving Plaza, NYC 2000
Yo tambien hablo esa~ol y me vivi en Juarez hasta que tenia 10 a~os. Depues mi familia se fue a El Paso. Ahora vivo en Dallas.
Estudi? la espa?ol para ocho a?os en la escuela. Pero, no soy hisp?nica. Puedo leer espa?ol, pero no puedo comprenderla cuando la idioma est? hablado.

?Tambi?n, estudi? aleman para uno a?o! Sehr gut!
Originally posted by Seconds:
Hey Follower, what's up with the Brasilian soccer team? They're really pissing me off. I've been loyal follower for about 20 years now, but this team is probably the worst i've seen in all that time. Think there is any chance they may wake up when the World Cup starts? God, I hope so. The last thing I want is to wake up one morning and find out Italia or Argentina have won! AHHH!!!!!!!!

Why, oh why every time one sees/hears/reads the word "brazilian" one thinks about football (or soccer, whatever)? It's a curse!!! LOL

I'm kidding Seconds, in fact I'm not fond off football, but I do have my opinion on our current team, and that is that we don't have a team, just a bunch of stars and stars-wannabes that have played abroad for so long and have been so overpaid that sometimes I think they forgot about the national colours, verde e amarelo.
But I trust in our coach, Luiz Felipe Scollari, aka Felip?o, he's good, he's tough, that's what we need now, a tough guy. And I must admit Argentina team is really good. We'll see what happens...

"To me a rock and roll concert is 3-D, it?s a physical thing - it?s rhythm for the body. It?s a mental thing in that it should be intellectually challenging. But it?s also a spiritual thing, because it?s a community, it?s people agreeing on something, even if it?s only for an hour and a half." (Bono, as quoted in the book U2 The Road to Pop)
Originally posted by arturod:
Yo tambien hablo esa~ol y me vivi en Juarez hasta que tenia 10 a~os. Depues mi familia se fue a El Paso. Ahora vivo en Dallas.


Wow, yet another El Paso to Dallas escapee. Nice going buddy!
Irving, Texas here!
... oh yeahhhh... "CHICOS TACOSSSSSSSSS!"

[This message has been edited by Trash Can (edited 12-12-2001).]
Hola!! You tambien hablo espanol...aveces. Mis padres son de Jalisco, Mexico, pero you y mis hermano/a(s) somos de aqui!!!

Must admit that we don't speak spanish much. Only with my parents because they don't speak it!! Anyway nice to know there are others on this board who can escribir y hablar espanol!!!
Cd. de mexico aqui, como dice voxxie, ni el espa?ol hablamos bien, bueno, viva mexico cab....

ooops sorry

Please...don't make me say please, champagne and ice cream, it's not what I want, it's what I need.
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