Saturday Night Live stills

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BonoFox1 said:

AHH! I was so mad that the credits went up during I will Follow!!!
and then cut off after Bono kept saying "one more! One more!"...I screamed NO!!!..which freaked out my house mates!!:mad:

Me too! Whatever they were going to put on next was not worth turning off U2! Let them take too much time, this was a classic moment!
can't wait to hear that live!!!! Great pics, thanks......

and then we still don't know why more and more men are getting gay???? well, here's the answer.......

Queen Bee said:

I noticed that Larry's cheek was twitching weirdly during SYCMIOYO. Was he upset? I just thought it was a little odd.

The performance was wonderful. They put all of their energy and passion into it, and the audience really enjoyed it. I've never seen a band perform more than two songs on SNL; I would've loved to have seen the full encore. Phooey on NBC. :madspit:
Thanks for all the pics, Queen Bee! I missed the show but saw the ending with "I will follow" it was Awesome!
I haven't watched SNL in so long that I didn't know that those people off to the side were the cast members! I can't believe it! They were crying! What a show. One for the history books!
Re: They where WONDERFUL!

karmic_postmark said:

Thank you so much for posting these!
Awww.....did you see her tear up when Bono went back to the stage and held her. She must be a PLEBAn at :heart:!

I know, that was so :cute: they way she teared up!

Wonderful, amazing performance :hyper: :bow:

Thank you for the stills Queen Bee :bow:

I was also thinking "Nooooooooo!" when NBC cut away when they were going to do more songs :madspit:
nurse chrissi said:
Is larry wearing a vest? - deviation from the normal open shirt to navel look he has been sporting lately. And he pretty much beat the heck out of those drums

Edited to say Queen Bee - amazing - thank you so much
and I like the still of the shoes:)

I noticed that, he looks like he's wearing a flakjacket. And those drumsticks looked incredibly long too, but perhaps it was just my imagination.
It appears that when bono got his hair cut he asked for "Rock Star" hair :)
I like the hair anyway he wants to style it - it appears the straw hat didn't get to come on this trip - just when I was starting to get used to it
Lucy3011 said:
Yeah, I thought Larry looked kinda upset during Sometimes too..

From what I've read Larry really got along well with Bobby Hewson. They both kinda had the same 'no BS' mentality....and would spend time together shooting the breeze.

I thought Edge looked a little emotional too. I can understand...just watching Bono sing that song the way he did had me teared up and the rest of the audience as well I am sure. Bono poured himself as an offering for that that single moment was the most important song he'd ever sing and that was the only time he had to do it.
nurse chrissi said:
It appears that when bono got his hair cut he asked for "Rock Star" hair :)
I like the hair anyway he wants to style it - it appears the straw hat didn't get to come on this trip - just when I was starting to get used to it

I like the hat...but his hair looks sooo soft these days.
Amazing! AMAZING!

Thank you so much for the stills/pics. I knew I would absolutely love U2's performance on SNL, but I was not prepared for how overwhelmed I was going to be. I'm still overwhelmed and I can't quite articulate what their performance did to and for me without coming across like a mewling, out of control nutbag. Perhaps I will be able to shortly.
Oh I so don't like those pants Bono. Stick with bootcut.

Maybe Bono has a complex about the middle of his torso...
beli said:

Has Bono got gastro? Why does he keep walking like this clutching his tummy?

You know why he's doing that Beli. He adores me so much that he said: "I have to get gastro, just like Niamh did. I don't want her to suffer alone".

Anyone else find it amusing that there was a big closeup of Bono's huge moon mission shoes at the start of SYCMIOYO....Bono tries hard to not call attention to his height (which I think is a perfectly acceptable height :shrug: )
starsgoblue said:
Anyone else find it amusing that there was a big closeup of Bono's huge moon mission shoes at the start of SYCMIOYO....Bono tries hard to not call attention to his height (which I think is a perfectly acceptable height :shrug: )

Yeah, it amused me too.

Moon Mission Shoes :D
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