Robert Plant And Alison Krauss

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Blue Crack Supplier
Nov 30, 2002
Edge's beanie closet
They have made a CD together, has anyone heard it? It's called Raising Sand

"Popular music sometimes offers some strange pairings. Remember Aerosmith and Run DMC? Bono and Tony Bennett? Well, try to wrap your brain around this one: Robert Plant and Alison Krauss. He is the former Led Zeppelin banshee from Britain, she is a bluegrass-country songbird and fiddler from the U.S. I can’t even imagine where they met up – at a Marilyn Manson/Charlotte Church concert perhaps? But it’s a good thing they did. They joined musical forces on a new CD called “Raising Sand,” which is a hybrid of both of their styles, yet it winds up in entirely new territory. Produced by T. Bone Burnett and featuring a gaggle of coveted studio musicians, “Raising Sand” soars with some cool and unusual numbers such as “Rich Woman” and covers of the Plant-Jimmy Page tune “Please Read the Letter” and Sam Phillips’ “Sister Rosetta Goes Before Us.” As musical partnerships go, this one’s a keeper. "(Rounder)
I haven't heard it yet, but I'll be interested to listen to it. I'm always interested in Plant's material, but also, Alison Krauss has one of the most amazing voices that I've ever heard.
I'm really digging what I've heard of this so far... I love that it's not just bluegrass, but early rock n roll we're hearing from them...
Yes I know, I posted this one first if that's some sort of issue

The CD is available for listening on msn music

A review I read today. I am listening to it now, I really like the way their voices sound together.

An odd couple makes magic

By Sarah Rodman, Globe Staff | October 23, 2007

"Raising Sand" is the stuff of which music lovers' dreams are made: an unexpected collision of two distinct but complementary worlds that transcend the sum of their parts to create something unique and mesmerizing.

Led Zeppelin main man Robert Plant and country/bluegrass treasure Alison Krauss. Who'd have thunk it?

Apparently they did. The mutual admirers have been meaning to get together for seven years. Better late than never. On "Raising Sand," out today on Rounder Records, there is no uncomfortable push or pull. Instead of seesawing between any expectations created by their previous output, both artists happily play in the sonic landscapes of famed producer T Bone Burnett, who has worked with Elvis Costello and Los Lobos and helmed the Grammy-winning "O Brother, Where Art Thou?" soundtrack.

For his part, Burnett chose an intriguing set of off-the-beaten-path covers - from Tom Waits's "Trampled Rose" to Page and Plant's "Please Read The Letter" - chucked the original arrangements, and hired a band of like-minded mavericks, including always-inventive guitarist Marc Ribot.

This adventurous, three-to-tango atmosphere (four if you include the top-notch band) is evident from the outset as quivering guitars and distant percussion lay the groundwork for the tender yet spicy blues of "Rich Woman."

Here, as on almost every track, there is an intimacy to Plant and Krauss's vocals; they don't move side by side but are enmeshed, often in hushed or joyous choirs of harmony. That intimacy is enhanced by Burnett's painstaking placement of instruments - steel guitar, banjo, organ, various forms of percussion - not always doing what you'd expect, like the dark-and-dirty detour Krauss takes with her normally lyrical fiddle on "Nothin'."

The austere "Sister Rosetta Goes Before Us," written by Burnett's ex-wife, Sam Phillips, at times feels like a raga and at times like circus music from a Wes Anderson movie. "Polly Come Home," sung by Plant in a controlled murmur - one of several silken modes employed throughout - is almost painfully erotic. Rowland Salley, Chris Isaak's bassist, contributes the dreamy, slow chug "Killing the Blues," which wouldn't sound out of place on one of his boss's records.

Each track sets a different mood - a lullaby, a seduction, a prayer, a remembrance - but adheres to Burnett's elusive but recognizable template of blending vintage rock, country, folk, and blues with a lot of space. That space gives his work both an earthy quality and something approaching the otherworldly without ever veering into psychedelia.

The only listeners who may be disappointed in "Raising Sand" are those who prefer Plant in full-on storm-the-drawbridge mode. The famous howl is mostly absent but several songs feature variations on his eruptive ululations. Krauss's ethereal soprano is in grade-A form and she works expertly to enfold his voice like an angel's wings.

On "Stick With Me Baby," a Mel Tillis tune cut by the Everly Brothers, Krauss and Plant play a pair whose union is doubted around town, but they decide to keep their own counsel. "Let them say what they may," they croon, "stick with me baby, we'll find a way."

On "Raising Sand," with Burnett's help, that's exactly what they do.
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I am exceedingly pleased with this album. Plant is on an incredible winning streak this decade- "Dreamland," "Mighty Rearranger," and this album are all superb. I hope that he does not hang up his microphone now, as he has hinted, because the manner in which he has been reexamining his musical roots is producing some excellent albums.
I'm a fan of Alison Krauss, but this release didn't get my motor running or anything.

But I just heard a few of the songs online, and now my motor is running. MUST GET THIS CD POST HASTE!
I had no idea what to expect from this CD but I was pleasantly surprised. I would've never ever thought these two would get together, but after listening to this CD (2423492342 times) I wonder what took them so long. Both are very talented individuals whose unique flavors really blend well together in these tracks. I can't think of a single track that I hate in this CD. I think the Sister Rosetta track is probably my most played right now.
I've listened to the album today and really like what I'm hearing, :up: I wouldn't pick these two to work together, but their voices blend beautifully and the music is really moody and evocative, it matches the austere black-and-white photography of the sleeve perfectly. Good stuff.
I still haven't gotten it, I should. I was hoping someone might get it for me for Christmas but no luck. It's on many of the top ten CD's of 07 lists.
This album is amazing! No bad songs in it! Great atmosphere it creats with the music and the pairing of their voices. Both Plant and Krauss give awesome perfomances. My favorites are Gone Gone Gone, Furtune Teller, Please Read The Letter, Stick With Me Baby. But they're all great stuff!
One of the albums of the year. I didn't know what to expect (How would Plant's voice blend with Allison's) so it took me a few spins before I discovered the real beauty of this record but it's amazing.
I've admittedly never paid any attention to any of the post-Zeppelin works of any of the band, including this. I recently recorded CMT Crossroads of the duo performing some of the songs from the album, and also performing some of each others songs (I recorded it off of a HD music channel, NOT CMT! :wink: ). It was an amazing performance, I really enjoyed the entire thing. Looking at the album tracklist, I'm a bit bummed that some of the tracks they played on the Crossroads special aren't on the actual album or available on iTunes or something like that (bluegrass duet of Black Dog, Allison covering When the Levee Breaks, Robert doing The Boy Who Wouldn't Hoe Corn for example).

So how has the album sat for some of you after almost a year? Would you still recommend me to pick it up, or is it already forgotten?
just saw them at ACL at it's really good!! I found a couple of Alison Krauss' songs a bit boring but apart from that I really enjoyed it, Robert Plant was great, very humble
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