The Fly
Hey everyone,
Long time, no post.
I remember a while back when people were asking if there was a way to convert .rm to .mp3 or .wav for burning to cd. Well, there is. You'll need StreamBOX Ripper V.2009. Now the newest versions of StreamBOX Ripper don't have .rm conversion abilities (some sort of legal issue with Real Corp.,) but the older versions do, and you may be able to find sais older version here:
cough* 6ie%3DUTF8%26oe%3DUTF8
*end cough.
So, all you need to do is download that program and you're on your way. i would post in the mp3 forum, but no one ever goes there anymore
Hope it helps.
Long time, no post.
I remember a while back when people were asking if there was a way to convert .rm to .mp3 or .wav for burning to cd. Well, there is. You'll need StreamBOX Ripper V.2009. Now the newest versions of StreamBOX Ripper don't have .rm conversion abilities (some sort of legal issue with Real Corp.,) but the older versions do, and you may be able to find sais older version here:
cough* 6ie%3DUTF8%26oe%3DUTF8
*end cough.
So, all you need to do is download that program and you're on your way. i would post in the mp3 forum, but no one ever goes there anymore
Hope it helps.