Great... just great. U2 loses the one award that everyone thought was their for sure lock out of all of 'em because Bob Dyaln probably steals away some of the "rock" votes from U2, giving a soundtrack from frankly a bad movie the Album of the Year. Sure the music was good, but how can an album that wins 7 Grammys total not win Album of the Year?!?! I'm no Grammy historian here... but I'm willing to bet that no album has ever won this many Grammys without Album of the Year being one of them.
But that's my opinion, I could be wrong.
-Dennis Miller
Dressing like your sister, living like a tart. They don't know what you're doing, babe it must be art. You're a headache... in a suitcase... You're a star.
come september alot can change
summer's love turns to winter's pain in new york
But that's my opinion, I could be wrong.
-Dennis Miller
Dressing like your sister, living like a tart. They don't know what you're doing, babe it must be art. You're a headache... in a suitcase... You're a star.
come september alot can change
summer's love turns to winter's pain in new york