Blue Crack Supplier
Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby
I'm a big Will Ferrell fan, so I was hoping this would match or surpass the genius of Anchorman. The movie has about 34 types of funny going for it, namely subversive, random, in-your-face, and some gags. I loved it, Sacha Baron Cohen's character probably made me laugh the hardest with his ridiculous accent. The best part of the movie is the Baby Jesus prayer at the dinner table.
It's still a notch or two below Anchorman, but maybe after repeated viewings it might reach it, still, the funniest movie on '06 so far for me
I'm off to watch V for Vendetta tonight
I'm a big Will Ferrell fan, so I was hoping this would match or surpass the genius of Anchorman. The movie has about 34 types of funny going for it, namely subversive, random, in-your-face, and some gags. I loved it, Sacha Baron Cohen's character probably made me laugh the hardest with his ridiculous accent. The best part of the movie is the Baby Jesus prayer at the dinner table.
It's still a notch or two below Anchorman, but maybe after repeated viewings it might reach it, still, the funniest movie on '06 so far for me
I'm off to watch V for Vendetta tonight