REQUEST - Pics of Bono jogging

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Jun 25, 2003
New York
My wife doesn't believe me that Bono's a runner and I told her that there were pics out there of him. Does anybody have those? Dumb question, I know.
Any excuse to post pics of Bono in shorts will work for me.

Here you go.


There are more, I think. I just can't find where I saved them.
Another U2 nut! said:
So THAT'S how he stays so sleek and fit looking, even in his forties...:drool:

Yes! Look at the "Beautiful day" video: he's jogging also there (in the end of the video, on the long line of the airport)

Maybe he should lay in the sun for a little while: he's so pale!!!
:drool: :drool: :drool: mmmmm Bono sunbathing--I can see him now stretched out in a lounge chair in a black speedo & that straw hat covering his eyes.
valentina said:
Maybe he should lay in the sun for a little while: he's so pale!!!

Ireland isn't exactly known for its sunshine... :happy:

Besides, pale or not: :drool: :drool: :drool: Maybe that's what he's doing in St. Tropez - sunbathing. :wink:
i've seen photos of him like he just stayed 4 hrs under the sun.
he's just red and burned. alas no tan. anyway, he's not really white as milk. as he said before, them irish are pink.
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