Request - Need pictures for GIFs

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Hi! Would you be able to put what it is you're requesting in the title of your threads? It just makes it a lot more user friendly :)

Re: Request

I think she means any string of pics from the same video/ocassion/etc that would make a decent animation? :huh:
gluey said:
Hi! Would you be able to put what it is you're requesting in the title of your threads? It just makes it a lot more user friendly :)

Yes please.
Bonogirl777 said:
Problem...I use UnFreeze and I saved the pics as gif images but it won't let me make the gif. Can anyone help me?
First off, UnFreeze is a terrible program to make gifs from. For one thing, it doesn't compress the images at all, and as a result, the filesizes are HUGE (meaning, the filesize of one gif will be equal to all the filesizes of all the original images, combined). I would suggest you use a better program, there are a number of them out there, but unfortunately, few are free.

Secondly, gifmaking is a complicated process, and it's best to follow a tutorial, so you know what you're doing.

You can find my gifmaking tutorial here:
what is the error message? What is the format of the video file? what program are you trying to open it with?

in case it's wmv, virtualdub won't work with them 'cause microsoft sued them, you'll need a different format
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