Random Music Talk CXXXI: Interference Finally Gets Its Revenge on Cobbler

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Hmmm, good question. I've kind of fallen off from Bon Iver lately but I'd go with these four:

33 God
U (Man Like)
Wow, this might be the quietest this forum has ever been :(

Anyway, last night I had casual sex which was incredible and I put on my Sexy playlist, which contains a song I find really sexy and love very much, John the Baptist by Afghan Whigs, which I'm almost certain I learned about through an LJT Desert Island playlist. I love the song, but hoo boy my date did not :lol: Very much not sexy to some people.
The better way to do it is to have some coke first and put on some speed metal.
The better way to do it is to have some coke first and put on some speed metal.
Gotta give it up for Jelly Roll, this fucking rules:

The Flaming Lips are playing here at the moment. Full performance of Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots and then another set of 12 or so songs. It's actually pretty rare they play sets that long. I asked Imperor if I should go, does the setlist make it worth putting up with Wayne's incessant, irksome rabblerousing... and he said no, he's more annoying than ever. It's such a shame, they have a remarkable back catalogue and they could actually be the transformative live band he wants them to be if they put the songs over the antics.
Their two best songs IMO. Very good album, though it's arguable the predecessor A Nod Is As Good As A Wink... is more consistent. And that has its own standouts, including Stay With Me, Love Lives Here, and Debris.

A fun bit of trivia that I always drop on people is asking who sang lead vocals on Ooh La La. It's clearly not Rod Stewart, and most assume it was Ronnie Lane, but it was actually Ron Wood taking a rare turn at the mic after the others attempted it.
Seems like Rod was too enamoured with his own success to really show up for its recording, and then shitcanned it once it was released. Clearly changed his tune once the title track became a hit...
Thought Sammy Jackson was great. Otherwise, well out of my musical wheelhouse.
I watched it again last night and I liked it more than I did the first time.

The dancers were great, the whole show was very well choreographed.

I read that Kendrick Lamar had to censor and change so many words, maybe that's why it sounded muffled to me (he was focused so much on that that it changed his style?). Or maybe that's the way he usually raps? All I know is Not Like Us.
I thought the spectacle was better than the actual music, but the spectacle is the point, and as always, hip-hop doesn't necessarily translate super well to the live stage. The only act that I've seen do it to an exceptional level was OutKast, and speaking of OutKast, what a weekend I've had. I flew up to Sydney yesterday to another televised quiz show with a 'special subject' round and I chose OutKast. I represented myself well. Then, all flights out of Sydney got cancelled and they rebooked me for two days later, so I ended up getting the train home today (12 hours). Listened to The Love Below for the first time in years, and holy shit does it hold up well. Man's a fucking genius. Also listened to Love Changes Everything, the 2024 record by Dirty Three, which is transcendent, and "Return" by Eno and Hyde, which is also wonderful.
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