Random Music Talk CXXXI: Interference Finally Gets Its Revenge on Cobbler

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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This is cool.

Insane they haven't interviewed Dan Bejar, I hope he was at least asked.

At any rate, this trailer introduced me to "Ride Like the Wind", what a fucking track! I had known of it, through radio and other media, but not the title or who it was by.
Coincidentally, I went to some of the early screenings of comedy shorts (Channel 101) that contained episodes of the Yacht Rock series. I was already a Steely Dan head by then so I found it very amusing, and it's crazy that almost 20 years later it's lead to this.

No offense to the other artists, and I consider myself a moderate Doobie Brothers fan (both pre-Michael McDonald and after he joined), but Steely Dan really shouldn't be lumped in with a fad kind of movement, even an affectionate one. They tower over every single one of these acts.
Ryan Adam’s finally released Blackhole and I swear two songs from it remind me of Inhaler: “Call Me Back” and “Starfire”.

I know Adams is a problematic artist but I occasionally check in to see what he’s doing (releasing 900 cover songs on streaming services and buying Instagram followers).
Ryan Adams' output in 2024 has been fantastic. Blackhole, Heatwave, Star Sign, Sword & Stone (I rate 1985 a bit lower).
Most artists would kill for one album this good in their entire career, tbh
I love "Controversy" the song by Prince so much, in particular that keys/guitar break in the ... would you call it a chorus? The music under the "do I believe in god? Do I believe in me?" lines. It's SO fucking good.

I have incredibly fond memories of Arcade Fire closing with this song in 2014 at Coachella, and then wandering off the stage and through the crowd chanting it in a huge conga line.
Has anyone started a debate about whether this song should be censored because its use of the word 'faggot'. If not perhaps that would be a good use of everyone's time.
I think I’ve got to roll with “Mood Swings” by Marcus King as my album of the year. Pretty fantastic album front to back and a great next step for Marcus’ songwriting.
Wow, this might be the quietest this forum has ever been :(

Anyway, last night I had casual sex which was incredible and I put on my Sexy playlist, which contains a song I find really sexy and love very much, John the Baptist by Afghan Whigs, which I'm almost certain I learned about through an LJT Desert Island playlist. I love the song, but hoo boy my date did not :lol: Very much not sexy to some people.
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