Random Movie Talk XV: You Asked For It, Cobbler

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I saw Poor Things last night and thought it was outstanding. I found the first fifth really disconcerting (and was having lots of woke thoughts like is this really offensive that they have Emma Stone playing someone disabled? These men are taking advantage, in many different ways, of a disabled child?! This is fucked up) but I kept my patience and was rewarded dearly. What a beautiful, funny, fascinating and uplifting film.
One of my favourite things that I saw on TV last year was Dark Waters - a true story about how DuPont manufactured stick free pans but contaminated all the water supplies and air around this manufacturering plant. The chemical in question is called PFOA, but any chemical with PF in its name can cause cancers, heart diseases and birth defects in children. At the end of the film they said that most people in the world have this chemical inside of them and it can never be removed.

That is something else to add to my ever growing list of anger I said to myself.
I saw Kinds of Kindness tonight and I don't think I can say I enjoyed it, though it was fascinating, well-made and well-acted. Jesse Plemons, who I only know as Todd from Breaking Bad, was fantastic. It's stuck with me today. I thought the first short film was the best, followed by the third, then the second, although the second had the funniest scene with the homeshot porno. Overall, a bloody slog to get through and not an enjoyable night at the movies.
Was surprised to see it streaming on Disney+ already, was intending to watch it next week. Not sure how I feel about Yorgos Lanthimos to be honest, I really liked The Favourite but nothing else I've seen of his has matched it. As you say, they're definitely not enjoyable.
I'm not a film buff at all so take everything I say with a grain of salt, but of his I have only seen (and absolutely adored) Poor Things, I left it feeling so joyous. I'm not sure I went in to KOK expecting something similar, but it certainly didn't get anywhere near my feelings on PT.
Watched Wolfs on Apple TV+ last night. Apparently, it was meant to have a full theatrical release but at the last minute it was changed to a 1 week limited showing and then straight to streaming. This has caused the writer / director (Jon Watts, most recent Spider-Man trilogy) to walk away from the sequel, but this is much more suited to a Tuesday night at home on the couch than paying today's prices to view in the cinema.

It's an objectively bad film where the plot doesn't make any sense and the direction is run of the mill at best. But I actually enjoyed it because George Clooney and Brad Pitt got to hang out on screen for the whole movie. 23 years since Ocean's 11, and 15 years after their previous pitch perfect reunion in Burn After Reading, they've still got enough chemistry to drag me along for this shitshow.
1. The Straight Story
2. Mulholland Drive
3. Blue Velvet
4. The Elephant Man
5. Wild at Heart
6. Eraserhead
7. Lost Highway
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