Random Facts and Confessions! (Part Deux)

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Love can hurt and complicate your life(huge understatement), but it can be an equally incredible, wonderful thing too.. when it's healthy.. based on the right things.. I don't claim to understand it much more now than I did when I was younger, but I've learned that's part of the fun. Just let it flow, take you where it may, and try not to get (too)in over your head - ie: don't lose yourself in the other person :shrug: I'd rather risk the hurt than to never have felt what I've felt in the past or feel it again. The only pain is to feel nothing at all.. (Sorry :wink: ) //end rambling :uhoh:
That's why I hate it when people say to me "oh never get a girlfriend, or fall in love, it's not worth it" because I'm like well, crap! I'm a firm believer in "tis better to have loved and lost then never loved at all" because then even if you've had the bad times, you can still reflect on the wonderful times.

Look at me. I'm 17 for God's sake!!
its official my sister is going out with the guy ive liked for a couple years.. and i dont know what to do.

COBL im 17 too but really most relationships now are pointless. but it depends on the people as well.
U2democrat said:
I have a crapload of homework due tomorrow that I've barely started yet I'm on here :happy:

Gosh I'm glad I'm not the only one!! I have 3 exams next week and a ton of hw due tomorrow morning at 8 am. :crazy:

*guilt pangs*

I'm off.
OK I'm worse by far of all you guys.

I'm seeing a married man! (He was my exboyfriend from long time ago)
My copy of 'Millennium' by the Backstreet Boys is in the computer right now.

and I'm listening.


I was 12-14 at the time of the boy band craze, THE age of most of their fans. All my friends were obsessed with them (and two of the backstreet boys were from the town I lived in so they were there a lot, adding fuel to the fire).

I hated it and was a fan of U2 :lol:
I really dig this girl in my class, and want to ask her to the Homecoming Dance, but like George McFly, I'm afraid to ask because of the fear of rejection.

My density has popped me to her, I guess.
It was like that when I got into music from the 80s about five years ago, my mum and dad listened to all music from the 70s. Now I think my brother and I have gotten ridiculous - we listen to music from the 1910s now. :wink:

Not much of a confession, but still.
My brother thinks thanks for the memories is the best song ever.

I want to punch my face in submission whenever I hear it. Today I told him I wouldn't put any chicken nuggets on for him unless he downloaded and listened to all the way thru Comfortanly Numb.
COBL_04 said:
My brother thinks thanks for the memories is the best song ever.

I want to punch my face in submission whenever I hear it. Today I told him I wouldn't put any chicken nuggets on for him unless he downloaded and listened to all the way thru Comfortanly Numb.

:laugh: :laugh: :lmao:

:uhoh: I hope for your bro he was joking!

:reject: I ahve a backstreet boys album too.... black and blue... but I have NO clue where it is!
:wink: no I'm listening to Robbie Williams, which is my confession for the day aswell...

:tongue: I really don't have a clue where the album is... cause I still got the cd case, but my sis somehow switched some cds, and now the cd case is empty :wink:
My random fact:

I just got my very first cavity. At age 34.

My perfect dental record is shattered.

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