Random Facts and Confessions! (Part Deux)

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U2democrat said:


You want me to find something of them when they were younger? :wink:


my confession for the day::::Although every one thinks Sting is hot I also think Andy and Stewart were cute.

[My mom's friend used to be ann...exotic dancer lmao..and Sting tried "taking her home" as well as Eric Clapton]
love_u2_adam said:

Come on, it's the most wonderful feeling in the world!

Too bad I'm currently off at college (3ish hours away from her), and we're still figuring out what we want to do...she doesn't want to "hold me back" and I love her and want to be with her. She loves me too and wants to be with me, but her mind is getting in the way of her heart. :sigh:
aww that sucks man! if you're in love you'll get threw it trust me man you will:wink:
but seriously i dont do love! its a waste of time! but i cant hide the feelings ya know what evs. and i cant trust people *cough* guys *cought* all to well . . i just think every guy wants to lay me and leave so ya. lol
onebloodonelife said:

Come on, it's the most wonderful feeling in the world!

Too bad I'm currently off at college (3ish hours away from her), and we're still figuring out what we want to do...she doesn't want to "hold me back" and I love her and want to be with her. She loves me too and wants to be with me, but her mind is getting in the way of her heart. :sigh:

3 hours isn't so bad. You can still see her every week or two then, yeah? As long as you're both willing to work at it, you should be fine.

I've been in love for the past three-ish years. and now im worried about him. I'll always worry...
AtomicBono said:

3 hours isn't so bad. You can still see her every week or two then, yeah? As long as you're both willing to work at it, you should be fine.

I've been in love for the past three-ish years. and now im worried about him. I'll always worry...

Yeah, I'm going home next weekend for the first time since I moved, so it's been about a month. It's hard because she's quite a bit older than me, and she has other responsibilities and obligations, so it's not like she can drop everything to come see me.

Even though I love Minneapolis, it feels like something's missing from the city because she's not with me. Not being able to see her daily kills me. Just thinking about her makes me smile and makes me so happy. I miss her a whole lot. :heart:
COBL_04 said:
I'd like to be in love.

But what's worse -- being in love knowing it will never happen or not being in love at all?

Love is an amazing feeling, even if it's unrequited. It's even better when the person you love feels the same way and loves you back.
onebloodonelife said:

Yeah, I'm going home next weekend for the first time since I moved, so it's been about a month. It's hard because she's quite a bit older than me, and she has other responsibilities and obligations, so it's not like she can drop everything to come see me.

Even though I love Minneapolis, it feels like something's missing from the city because she's not with me. Not being able to see her daily kills me. Just thinking about her makes me smile and makes me so happy. I miss her a whole lot. :heart:

awww :cute: see, if she feels the same way, then I don't see how it couldn't work out. I have a friend in a long distance relationship (about 6 hours), but they still seem to be going strong.

and i love minneapolis.

Unrequited love is impossible to fully describe. It's agonizing, but there is still joy there, because this person still makes you happy. It's like a combination of the best and worst feelings in the world.

Which is better? Hard to say. Unrequited love takes a far greater toll on your sanity than not being in love, but at least you feel something.

don't worry, you will eventually fall in love. i know everyone says this but it will happen and until then there's no point in dwelling on it...hopefully though when you do fall in love it'll be reciprocated :)
love complicates everything yes.

in the wee small hours of this morning i was propostioned by my friends partner when i was crashing at their house after a big night out ..... we are both in committed relationships so being a woman of so many morals i said no , but dammmmmmmm i wanted to . :drool: what the hell do i do now, because they are people i care about very deeply and want to remain friends with , but now i will feel uncomfortable going there i think mostly because i will probably flirt with him which is SO BAD .

i even snuck out thismorning and got a cab home so he didnt drive me home.. :( i dont want to tell my friend and fuck up their relatoinship and if i told my partner he would go round and kill him .

love lust, relationships its allll shit .
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aaah, but would it have been worth it??:eyebrow:

Who am I kidding, of course it would have:D

My suggestion is to close your eyes and imagine it's the other man. :wink: so long as you don't call out the wrong name everyone's happpy.

works for me when I've had a drool session over the B man:up:
:giggle: dont know a pleban that hasnt done that :shifty:, and i know of one who has yelled out the great mans name at the point of passion :lmao: anyway .........

:huh: need to straiten out my mind
:lmao: oh dear

you could always make the guy really uncomfortable by flirting with him in front of his girlfriend, so long as she wasn't easily offended. It would be priceless to watch him squirm:flirt:

although flattering, he must be a bit of a bastard to actually suggest getting it on while you are both with someone else:tsk:
COBL_04 said:
I'd like to be in love.

But what's worse -- being in love knowing it will never happen or not being in love at all?

the second option, believe me!

:sigh: I've had the first one a few times, including at the moment...I hate love and it seems to hate me back...

it might be true that being in love with someone makes you happy, but if the love is one way you'll have plenty of incredibly crap days too, and that's what makes it shitty... :sigh:
onebloodonelife said:

Love is an amazing feeling, even if it's unrequited. It's even better when the person you love feels the same way and loves you back.
Yeah, im sure every stalker and creep feels the same way; unrequited love is less than worthless.
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