R&H between Van Diemen's Land and Desire

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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I Serve Larry's Stick
Feb 5, 2001
Rocky Mountains
That interview clip still cracks me up!

"It's all about drums."

"What's with all the glitter? I thought you didn't like our mirrorball lemon and shit. Well it's too late to change your mind now." -- Bono, Indianapolis, May 10, 2001

"Tonight with us, we have people who turned celebrity on its head. Celebrities are supposed to be somebody special, film stars, rock stars, we're celebrities. Supposed to be heroes, but we're not heroes. We're very selfish people who enjoy what they do, thank you very much. But here tonight we have from the fire department of New York City, from the police department of New York City, men and women that came down to catch the U2 show tonight. Theirs is the kind of bravery that can truly change the world." --Bono, Notre Dame, October 10, 2001

Whether you love me or hate me you can still email me: clarityat3am@hotmail.com
Originally posted by clarityat3am:
That interview clip still cracks me up!

I quite like the way Larry says "Its a musical journey...." and the guys looks at him as if saying "wha'?" and then when he repeats it again, Adam almost splutters his drink! very funny!
My friend wasn't a U2 fan, but she cracked up so much during that interview bit that I bought her her own copy of the vid.

"I don't know you,
But you don't know the half of it..."
Originally posted by hippyactress:
Would you buy me a copy too?

If I wasn't a dirt poor college student, yes.

But I am a dirt poor college student, so no.

"I don't know you,
But you don't know the half of it..."
He says it 3 times! Its soo cute! He says it with such an accent: "It's a Muuuuuuusical Jourrrney..." Then he starts playing cat's cradle and Edge makes fun of him! HA!
Ohhh oh oh! The cutest thing!

Btw, I want to learn how to play VDL.

*Ya Just cant get enough, of that Lovey Dovey stuff...*

" And to think I actually TOUCHED that tight, hard body!" - Miss MacPhisto

[This message has been edited by Lovey Dovey (edited 12-13-2001).]
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