Some people just simply can't wrap their head around the fact that U2 aren't making music to suit their personal tastes or needs.
They've obviously touched a chord with most of you sometime in your life or you certainly wouldn't be over on this forum reading and writing about them if it were otherwise.
I don't mind criticism of anything about U2, it's actually silly to get upset about it. You either like it or you don't.
The problem with the subjectivity of art, or music in this case, is that because an artist made X for you, and you loved it, that people automatically assume fault in the artist if Y or Z didn't fit their expectations, or wants or needs.
If you are on this forum 4 years after the fact, still rehashing the same old, tired criticisms of ATYCLB, then it's not to say the criticisms aren't legitimate, but don't you, at some point have to look at your own perspective and re-evaluate it?
If the album didn't meet your approval, then fine. There are probably thousands upon thousands of hours of music all over the planet that doesn't meet your approval either.
What you need to do is find those elements somewhere else. Branch out, listen to other music, stop looking to U2 for something that they aren't. Stop wanting them to be what you need or want.
If U2 aren't meeting your expectations, then the problem isn't with them, it's you. They are the musicians, the artists, they speak from the heart, and give you what comes from their heart and soul. And if you don't like it, well quite simply, maybe you just aren't in tune with them and what they are trying to convey.
If you heard an album from "Band #10" (hypothetical band), and you didn't like it, do you clammor for them to make an album that you DO like? Or do you look elsewhere? If "Band #10" made an album that you loved and followed it up with one you didn't, do you complain that they didn't live up to what you want?
And if you do, why is the reaction different? Maybe you need to look at your own perspectives and decide if you think you are being fair or just being a fan stuck in a phase. Maybe you want more from the idea of the band than you expect from the message in the music.
U2 are and always will be my favorite band. They've made songs that have made me cringe, put out some questionable videos and images, but I can write all of that off easily. Because when I listen to Zooropa, I don't spend any moments wondering why Babyface is such a poor song, I move myself to a religous state by listening to those tracks that I love. When I listen to albums, that maybe aren't my particualr favorites, like POP or ATYCLB, I listen for those moments that give me the U2 that I want. I don't spend time re-analyzing why I don't like the song Elevation. I just listen to Walk On, again.
Everyone is different, and everyone is going to have different tastes on just about everything. But U2 are what they are, what you shouldn't try to do is make them something that they are not. If you don't like what they are doing, then you need to try harder to find those musical vices elsewhere.
And if you can't find those creative juices, spriit and energy in other forms of music, other bands and artists, then possibly you aren't trying very hard. U2 are big, magnificent, wonderful, spiritual, eclectic, moving, and sometimes disappointing. But that happens when you have been making music for over 20 years. At some times the space you are in, in your life will not be the same as the band. Why would it? Why don't you just accept that for what it is?
With that said, to address the original thought on the thread, all opinions are equal on forums like these. Don't spend time wondering why people don't feel the same way as you, move on to the collective energy that you CAN share on this board.
Criticism of all kinds, should be welcome, but should also be subject to good discussion or debate. Whiney babies, who don't want their precious album to be criticized need to get some thicker skin. it may mean something deep and meaningful to you and nothing to someone else. That's the way it works.
Personally I have chosen that the negativity I once felt about u2 not living up to my expectations, is futile. There is no point in it, it's wasted energy and time. If you are looking at U2 to give you fuel and energy to empower you in your life, to move you, to make you believe there is something great in the songs, the idea that maybe this band is in touch with you and your psyche, well you don't have to try very hard to find those things.
Just stop concentrating on the times when they aren't in step with you. It's not going to always be there. But when it is, you should enjoy that and concentrate on that. Negative energy is the antithesis of the intention of any of U2's music, even the darker music is somehow uplifiting.
Every musical artist that I can possibly think of sees the same type of arguments in their fanbase. If you choose to belive that U2 aren't capable of touching your soul again, then why are you even here? And if you think they can, then why do you dwell on the past? Criticism is fair game, voices should be heard. But from your own perspective, aren't you just spinning your wheels if you don't look at music with a critical ear or even dwelling on what the music doesn't give you? I guess my advice is to take the good from what they've given and use that. Anything otherwise is an excersice in futility.
The new album comes out shortly and there will be no shortage of people who criticize it, no matter how good it is. Maybe I'll even criticize it myself. I certainly won't turn a deaf critical ear to the music. But ultimately, when the new music has sunk in, I'll take from it what really moves me, and let the other be.
I guess my advice and I know I am long-winded, is to let the music speak to you, and if it doesn't move you, don't waste time wondering why it didn't. Because it's not going to change the music itself, but you can change the way you look at it, or listen to it. I guess I can relate to most of you, and where you are coming from.
Thru the years I've learned to deal with disappointment in music by understanding that no band or artist is going to give you everything you need, not even U2, they just go a long way towards trying to acheive that.