Question for everyone

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Blue Crack Addict
Sep 28, 2000
I've been away for a week and I've been reading the pages on this forum, to check back on any U2 news. Curiously, there are two anti-ATYCLB threads (disguised, but that's what they are): Basstrap's "endulge my rant" and, a spin off-thread (which I thought is not allowed), from Michael Griffiths "I miss U2's mistakes".

Now, I know musical taste can't be debated and opinions are different, but I can't remember the last time Pop bashing thread occured, while with ATYCLB it happens over and over and over again. It's gotten really old now.

Hasn't it been enough?
I think everyone's getting nervous about the new record. They want it to be perfect, which makes them remember either what the didn't like about ATYCLB or wht they did like about it. The ones who didn't like it happen to be a little more vocal right now. Maybe because they feel like they have more to be disappointed about if the new record sounds like ATYCLB.
Okay, but they were vocal all along.

What makes so many people so sure the new album will sound anything like ATYCLB? We didn't even hear a second yet, and from the quotes about it, and the producers, it doesn't seem like it will sound that way at all.
(that album was 11 different sounds, so what exactly does it mean for U2 to sound like that anyway?)
oh geez. you can start a thread on anything U2 here, so long as it stays civil. i remember when an anti-pop thread popped up every time we closed one. if you don't like the threads, then please feel free to not read them. and i don't see how the "i miss U2's mistakes" thread can be viewed as a spin-off.
You're right sometimes it is enough but then again some people are entitiled to their own opinions and some of the bashing makes for good conversation. I say each to their own and if one is tired of reading such things, they can move onto the next thread. I personally don't have a problem with the threads and think that ATYCLB is a great album.
KhanadaRhodes said:
oh geez. you can start a thread on anything U2 here, so long as it stays civil. i remember when an anti-pop thread popped up every time we closed one. if you don't like the threads, then please feel free to not read them. and i don't see how the "i miss U2's mistakes" thread can be viewed as a spin-off.

That's not really true, and we all know it. Just like ATYCLB's threads often turn nasty, so did Pop's. (with the whole "but you didn't get it" argument) I don't recall anti-Pop threads being closed but never mind.

I am not the first one nor the last one that said something about the reocurring bashing obsession by some people, so let's not go to the "don't read it if you don't like it" part either. How about "don't post it if you know it will upset others?" instead?

Look at the first posts in mentioned threads and you will see they are pretty much the same topic.
U2girl said:
What makes so many people so sure the new album will sound anything like ATYCLB?

I think Paul McGuiness and others who have heard the album said something like that. Of course we have also heard reports of it being a big guitar album, so I don't know who to believe. :confused:
Bonochick said:
I love Pop.


These two are companion albums. They're U2's mid-life crisis records. Since most people here are not yet at mid-life they face intense scrutiny around here. I don't mean that in any kind of ageist way. ATYCLB for example seems to have a reputation for being "soft" around here. I guess my point is that "soft" means something totally different to a 40 yr old than say to a 20-25 yr. old guy who might frequent these forums. I will say though, that I don't have any problem with people voicing their displeasure about any aspect of U2's work. If we all thought every second of every U2 song was perfect these forums would become a nightmare version of U2 Pleasantville.
Layton said:
ATYCLB for example seems to have a reputation for being "soft" around here. I guess my point is that "soft" means something totally different to a 40 yr old than say to a 20-25 yr. old guy who might frequent these forums.

It's too soft for this 42 year old woman, so there you have it.

Remember, getting into your 40s doesn't mean slowing down and softening.
i posted several times on those threads and i DO NOT HATE ATYCLB...i posted with a crticial voice, but not with contempt of the album. i think its agreat album, and i would encourage anyone here to look again at those posts. there was alot of analyzing going on there, trying to figure out how these albums come about the way they do, and trying to find out their creative process, even more simply, WHAT IS THEIR CREATIVE PROCESS. please dont think that criticism equals hate. for me, its adds up to a greater appreciation.
Why dont we merge all this bitching and whinging into one big angina thread?
Maybe one day someone might really have a heart attack from all the fucking stress this seems to cause. We can have people fighting it out over atyclb/pop and people bitching about the pop/atyclb bitching.

Then people like me can look all pious and seperated from the whole thing, even though my opinions stink as much as - but no more or less than any other individual's on this forum.

U2girl said:

How about "don't post it if you know it will upset others?" instead?

No offense, but is that how you live your life?

If people worried about never upsetting others, black people would still be riding at the back of the bus, and you and me, my dear womanmate, would not have this opportunity to speak.

Let them speak their minds. We are only arguing about music. We should thank our lucky stars that the biggest bugbear in our lives is which shiny round thing makes the best noise.
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Angela: if we can have millions of posts over how much ATYCLB stinks, I really don't see why we can't have posts questioning that or - shock horror - sticking up for the album. If this is called bitching and whinging now, then nice knowing you. (by the way, all the posts defending ATYCLB aren't even remotely in the same ratio as the post attacking it)

Beli :huh: You're comparing those issues with a music forum?

No offense, but that hardly flies nor does how I live my life have anything to do with this thread. Let's not get personal or patronising.

I said that because it makes no sense to me that a U2 album gets picked on in such amounts, by U2 fans on a U2 fan forum. It happens again and again, and people get upset again and again. What is the point, then?
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U2girl said:

Beli :huh: You're comparing those issues with a music forum?

Im comparing those social justice issues as in those issues are serious and important. Interference is just a gab fest, trivial, unimportant. It has no relevance to anything at all and it doesnt matter what anyone thinks. Its just fun. Theres no reason for anyone to get upset about anything in here. Its just opinion about music. .
beli said:
It has no relevance to anything at all and it doesnt matter what anyone thinks. Its just fun. Theres no reason for anyone to get upset about anything in here. Its just opinion about music.

Now you're just being silly with all that sense-making.

MrBrau1 said:
ATYCLB is soft? It's as heavy as JT or AB. Why do people still think U2 are a hard rock band?

That's a good one. ATYCLB heavy as Achtung Baby. Stuck in a Moment opposed to Even Better Than the Real Thing. Wild Honey opposed to The Fly. Grace opposed to Acrobat. Walk On opposed to Until the End of the World.
U2girl said:
Angela: if we can have millions of posts over how much ATYCLB stinks, I really don't see why we can't have posts questioning that or - shock horror - sticking up for the album.

There are many things I dont get in your reply here, for starters whether the intention of this specific thread is to stick up for the actual album or to question the motives of said album's bashing which certainly occurs on an all too frequent basis for my small minded understanding. Either one is truly fine with me though, as I care neither way for firstly the album, or anyone's opinion on it. But alas, not everyone is as obnoxious as me and immune to the opinions someone else has. And that too is fine. Well actually it isn't fine, which is why we are all having this discussion once again. To constantly hear such things seems to upset/annoy/anger/irk some people. So we do have a problem. We also seem to have an additional problem however with the running commentary on such 'bashings' or atyclb/pop debates. Which is my confusion over this thread. Some people, and you are not the only one, seem to want the debates over the album itself to cease. Fine. But in debating the merits, we end up with even more debating and possibly endless going around in circles about the fighting itself. Fine too. But we end up with fighting, and then fighting over the fighting.


As Phil Collins once said, 'Where does it all end?' He said something like that anyway in No Jacket Required. I'm sure Marty can quote it precisely :D


U2girl said:
If this is called bitching and whinging now, then nice knowing you. (by the way, all the posts defending ATYCLB aren't even remotely in the same ratio as the post attacking it)

2 things I dont get here. I've underlined the part which flew over my head like a um head flying over thing...But secondly, I dont believe I've ever said the posts defending atyclb are the same. Of course they're not. I'd be a real smartarse here and say that is because the fans of the album have no leg to stand on, but that is pushing it as it seems this is quite frankly becoming too personal, but alas I've made my joke anyway.

Still stands though. I agree the affirmative is much quieter than the loud cacaphony of bashing. But that's the way it is. Why, I have no idea really, but again, it doesn't bother me so I've never analysed why. Maybe some have. But then, maybe some are being genuine when they say they dont actually want to start a shit fight, they just want to discuss why they dont like it. A'la basstrap.
It's not the debate anyone has a problem with, I think it's more how condescending and the 'bashers' are over the 'defenders' and I maybe treading on thin ice here but I'd back this up with the pseudo-scientific way in which ATYCLB has been rubbished.
As to the volume of posts defending the album maybe a lot of people feel there is no point, look what happened to me I was sick of the critism and attempted to wade in earlier this week and I had very little to show for it apart from the label of 'a 1000 pound Gorilla'.
I have still not read anything on this forum that leads me to believe that people have a problem with ATYCLB as a 60 minute piece of audio or however long it is- I think it is something else.
djerdap said:

That's a good one. ATYCLB heavy as Achtung Baby. Stuck in a Moment opposed to Even Better Than the Real Thing. Wild Honey opposed to The Fly. Grace opposed to Acrobat. Walk On opposed to Until the End of the World.

Elevation compared to So Cruel. New York compared to Love is Blindness. Beautiful Day compared to Trying To Throw Your Arm Around the World, Kite compared to One.
if i like an album, i have the right to talk about it.

if i don't like an album, i have the right to talk about it.

it's that simple.
martha said:

Remember, getting into your 40s doesn't mean slowing down and softening.
**tries to remember**

"Has it been enough?" U2 stir such passion in their listeners that i think their music ( and their cute behinds which they can't leave) will be discussed until the end of the world while every is having a good time.
I am so totally excited about the prospect of NEW music from them. Thanks U2 for making me feel like a school girl again, all fast and hard :hyper:
:hug: maja, wb
MrBrau1 said:

Elevation compared to So Cruel. New York compared to Love is Blindness. Beautiful Day compared to Trying To Throw Your Arm Around the World, Kite compared to One.

If Beautiful Day and Kite are heavy, I'm gonna jump from a 37th floor. I mean it. New York can't smell Love is Blindness's feet! Love is Blindness is a pure rock song in its live rendition. Edge's solos are chilling. Try find version from Birmingham, June 1st 1992. Kite isn't heavier than One.
And, to finish the cycle...
Peace on Earth compared to Zoo Station. When I Look at the World compared to Mysterious Ways(especially live version).
Did I miss something?
C'mon, man, do you really believe ATYCLB is as heavy as Joshua or Achtung. It is the mellowest U2 record ever! There is nothing rock in it(expect maybe New York guitar or When I Look at the World solo). And please, don't say Beautiful Day or ELEVATION. Pop songs at their finest, just using guitars and drums as masks. Which isn't a bad thing(at least not the first one).
Oh yeah! In a Little While opposed to Ultra Violet.
I'm gonna skip Wild Horses...for obvious reasons.
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mikal said:
if i like an album, i have the right to talk about it.

if i don't like an album, i have the right to talk about it.

it's that simple.

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