prayer request

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Blue Crack Addict
May 22, 2002
hoping for changes
My dad has just been diagnosed with cancer. He went this morning to the Clinic for some tests. They found out a lump on his neck was a metastatis from some other part of his body. They will be doing more tests and then most likely will be having surgery.
Wow. I'm sorry to hear this. :(

I'll definitely be praying for your dad, you and the rest of the families, as well as the doctors involved.

Hang in there, verte. :hug:
My thoughts are with you, your dad, and the rest of the family. I hope everything goes well. :hug:
I know from experience with my dad that the tumor not being the primary one is not a good thing, but hopefully this is found early enough and the surgery and follow up goes well.

I hope for the best for your dad and you and your family verte, its not an easy thing to deal with, stay strong.

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