Posting Angst

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this just happened to me for the first time in FYM. i never go in there and something caught my eye and my blood pressure was rising. i had 2 paragraphs typed out and i ended up deleting most of it and even though i kept a few sentences, i was shaking as i pressed the submit button.

i guess the best solution is to just add "in bed" at the end and it will be alright! :sexywink:
Oh, I know the feeling. It's especially true with some of my FYM posts. :wink: I'll just think "why'd I post this dumbass note?" I've posted a few klutzy notes in's easy to do.
been there, done that

Or how about when you think you've said something really hilarious and clever only to see you did nothing but kill the thread.:|

Oh wait, thread killing has already been mentioned. Now this thread is doomed courtesy of moi.
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I have a thread killing fear as well. I think it stems from the fact that my first 20 or so posts were often the very last one before the thread went dead, like this one's about to...
I've had all of the fears mentioned here. FYM can take a lot out of me sometimes, but somehow I still go back for more.

I hate the thread killing the most too. The worst thing about posting is to actually do it, spend a lot of time and energy responding with something you feel is very intelligent or humourous or whatever and the thread dies. :(
Does anyone else feel overwhelmed by all of the new inside joke threads popping up from past interferencers? It's nice they're back but I don't understand much of anything that's going on. There's just *so many* weird threads...
Honestly, I think the majority of things they post are not so much 'inside jokes' as they are complete utter random crap nonsense, seeing who can one-up the last guy with a more random statement :shrug:
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