Poll time: what does your signature say?

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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Blue Crack Addict
Sep 28, 2000
here's mine.

"That's why i still love playing live in a rock'n'roll band. There's just this feeling of this thing could just about do anything..." - Edge

"Something inside said this could be everything in your life." - Bono

"U2 as a band does things no one else can do. I think that is a very powerful thing." - Larry

"Adam believed in the band before anyone did." - Bono


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AIM: ckennedy77

MSG: I will give you 2 NJ1 GA's for 2 NY1 GCs or 2 NY1 $85!! Email or IM me. Help a desparate man out!!
AIM: ckennedy77

MSG: I will give you 2 NJ1 GA's for 2 NY1 GCs or 2 NY1 $85!! Email or IM me. Help a desparate man out!!
AIM: ckennedy77

MSG: I will give you 2 NJ1 GA's for 2 NY1 GCs or 2 NY1 $85!! Email or IM me. Help a desparate man out!!
AIM: ckennedy77

MSG: I will give you 2 NJ1 GA's for 2 NY1 GCs or 2 NY1 $85!! Email or IM me. Help a desparate man out!!
AIM: ckennedy77

MSG: I will give you 2 NJ1 GA's for 2 NY1 GCs or 2 NY1 $85!! Email or IM me. Help a desparate man out!!
AIM: ckennedy77

MSG: I will give you 2 NJ1 GA's for 2 NY1 GCs or 2 NY1 $85!! Email or IM me. Help a desparate man out!!
AIM: ckennedy77

MSG: I will give you 2 NJ1 GA's for 2 NY1 GCs or 2 NY1 $85!! Email or IM me. Help a desparate man out!!
AIM: ckennedy77

MSG: I will give you 2 NJ1 GA's for 2 NY1 GCs or 2 NY1 $85!! Email or IM me. Help a desparate man out!!
AIM: ckennedy77

MSG: I will give you 2 NJ1 GA's for 2 NY1 GCs or 2 NY1 $85!! Email or IM me. Help a desparate man out!!
AIM: ckennedy77

[This message has been edited by TheU2 (edited 10-22-2001).]
this thing
[ack there's no down arrow]

"Things will not be the same in this city for us." -Bono, Dublin, February 1980
Something I deeply hope he has said from his heart.

Seu pa?s ? lindo. Seu povo ? lindo. Suas vozes s?o lindas. N?o esqueceremos voc?s. - Bono - S?o Paulo - 01/31/1998

[This message has been edited by follower (edited 10-22-2001).]
But you take what you can get
'Cause it's all that you can find
Oh, you know there's something more
But tonight, tonight, tonight

(??.?(?*?.? ?.?*?)?.??)
?.???. *Monica*.???.?
(?.??(?.??* *??.?)??.)
Here it is. It roughly means:

The adventure of beginning
The intrigue of uncertainty
Don't fear and look for something new
Just start from zero.

That was a rather quick and awful translation but you get the idea.
It's from one of my songs.
k e r c

La aventura del comienzo
La intriga de lo incierto
No temas y busca lo nuevo
S?lo empieza desde cero

[This message has been edited by kerc (edited 10-22-2001).]
Here's mine.

Edited because I actually forgot to hit the 'show signature' button. Oh, the irony.

"Good men die unhappily. Bad men die unluckily. THAT's tragedy." --Tom Stoppard

"I can't watch a man sing a song. He gets all emotional, he starts swaying...it's embarrassing!" -- Jerry Seinfeld

[This message has been edited by PopFly (edited 10-22-2001).]
duh...I forgot to add the translation, it goes like this:

Your country is beautiful. Your people are beautiful. Your voices are beautiful. We won't forget about you.

Seu pa?s ? lindo. Seu povo ? lindo. Suas vozes s?o lindas. N?o esqueceremos voc?s. - Bono - S?o Paulo - 01/31/1998

[This message has been edited by follower (edited 10-22-2001).]

Here's to the few who forgive what you do
and the fewer who don't even care
--Leonard Cohen
From: A song by the Strokes.

Why: Kind of sums up how I feel right now.

I didn't take no shortcuts
I spent the money that I saved up
Oh, Momma running out of luck
Like my sister, don't give a fuck
An old Croatian poem by Ivan Gundulic. Bono recited this part at the end of Miss Sarajevo in Modena.

Roughly translates to:

oh beautiful
oh dear
oh sweet

o lijepa
o draga
o slatka
What a coincidence! I just changed mine last night.
Whoops I guess I should put it in first.

I lave joo

[This message has been edited by mocool12 (edited 10-22-2001).]
I change mine almost every day

~*Mona*~the Shamrock n rolla!
block champ at Nintendo
queen of innuendo

I think I'm the only person who quotes themselves in their signature! Does that make me special?

"I have to wake up soon today. I can't roll over and make it go away!"- Guy with the Stuff, 2001
Originally posted by Guy With The Stuff:
"I have to wake up soon today. I can't roll over and make it go away!"- Guy with the Stuff, 2001

LOL! I think we have another Weird Al in our midsts!

Don't worry baby, it's gonna be alright
Uncertainty can be a guiding light

"We miss our lemon, I'd just like to say that." - Bono 5/9/01
Are signatures those things that appear under your posts?

"I'm gonna start a day care!"-Bono
Originally posted by Guy With The Stuff:
I think I'm the only person who quotes themselves in their signature! Does that make me special?

I suppose in your case this wouldn't be a substitute for wit, being that it was yours originally... pfft my signature doesn't apply here, what a rip-off

Quotation is a servicable substitute for wit.

(W. Somerset Maugham)
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