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Rock n' Roll Doggie ALL ACCESS
Oct 14, 2005
San Mateo
Okay so I am taking philosophies of Religion as one of my classes. Now I am setting up an interview with a Buddhist Rimponche. I also plan to interview a Rabbi, Catholic priest, an Imam. Now I want to put it all together and create a podcast. How hard is it to create one? I bought this recorder device that attaches to the bottom of my ipod to record audio. Will I need software to create one? If there are freeware programs can I have a link.
Audacity is a free sound recording program for Windows/Mac. You can do fading in/out, multiple tracks, insert music, etc all in this program, and then output to a .wav or file.

With that you should be good to go :up: You can record the interviews with your iPod, and then dump the .wav files onto your hard drive and open 'em up with Audacity.
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