Pleban Girls Party - ... and then there was U2

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I swear you're doing more in grade 8 than I did in some classes in high school, and my hs was all academic!! Things have changed a lot in almost20years :yikes:
:lol: My school is pretty tough....I've had an overload of projects lately and I'm totally stressing about this one I'm working on...we've had no time at all to do it :yikes:
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circa1992 said:
:lol: My school is pretty tough....I've had an overload of projects lately and I'm totally stressing about this one I'm working on...we've had no time at all to do it :yikes:

:yikes: High school may be a breeze after this :wink:
Hopefully, but I heard that my high school is extremely hard :yikes: People told me that if I get a B- I'm lucky :| And I'm a straight A student and get mad at myself when I don't do well :uhoh:
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