Blue Crack Distributor
Nothing like a pet's bodily fluids to provide a fleeting metaphor for life. Glad you're feeling better, Grace.
Comet, how is Maurice??

Comet, how is Maurice??

Is she responding to the new treatments? I know they were going to do a scan.
Would you like two dogs to keep you company?
Maurice (kitty) update: We found out he has pancreatis (or however you spell it) We got meds and stuff for him today and special foods, but it remains to be seen if he'll eat. He's stopped eating and drinking and just seems to be shutting down.Hopefully he'll respond to meds and feel good enough to eat. He's been such an awesome cat. He's getting up there though, probably around 15 or so. I feel bad that I hardly ever see him anymore too.
Since when is Bono a huge Broadway fan?
Jordan Roth @Jordan_Roth
Tonight in @BookOfMormonBWY, when Elder Cunningham sang "Just like Bono! I am Africa!" guess who clapped his hands above his head?... BONO!
Okay, I'm warning y'all that I'm about to go on a massive rant/whine/pity party. I came home from work already feeling a little off and I walked into a fucking shitstorm left by my dogs.
So, my dogs have been jerks lately. I may have posted about them destroying the house when they get bored. We keep them in the kitchen away from the trash. There is a baby gate that separates them from it. Today, the trash was close enough for them to PULL THE TRASH BAG FROM THE CAN AND DRAG INTO THE KITCHEN. Of course, I scold them as calmly as possible since my daughter is watching me with eagle eyes. Well, the little one pees all over the floor and sits it in. So now I have to wash him, mop the floor and pick up trash. After I bathe him, he stands on the towel and pees again. I have never wanted to kill something with my bare hands before. So, as I'm tearing around the kitchen picking up and unloading the dishwasher, washing other dishes - I snap.
And I just about start to cry. I don't because my daughter is home and watching her show - so I don't need to freak her out. But I had that moment where you realize that your life feels incredibly small. That you've done nothing of real importance and your impact is tiny. A George Bailey moment, if you will. But there's no angel to show you the way. You have to make hot dogs, clean the kitchen and get on with life.
I guess that is why people like me and my age group do stupid shit like run marathons and sign up for Spartan/Warrior races. Because that $3 medal means something. It means we did something extraordinary. For a moment, we stepped out of very uninspiring lives and pushed a little harder. I know my 17 year old self would be disappointed how I squandered my 'greatness'. Of course, all our teenage selves thought we would change the world. Be a trail blazer. Bring peace and cure disease. Most days, I'm trying to get by with my sanity. And that is how I feel today. Pointless and insignificant. And I had to put it here because I can't post it to FB. My husband would freak out. And I haven't used Live Journal in years. So I came here.
Sorry for venting - I was just a top ready to lose it. Like mushroom cloud meltdown lose it. I think I need to go for a run even though my legs are lead - but I have to burn some anger.
I'm only like 5 minutes from her. My sister is maybe 10 - 15. My brother, who has been absent for several years now, he was shamed into visiting again, and I'm not really sure how far he is, I don't know where he lives now (do I sound a little bitter?). But yeah, it's me and my sister. I was off work for nearly two weeks, a week and a bit ago. Back to work now because I have to pay bills and eat, but I`ll probably need more time off in the forseeable future.
Since when is Bono a huge Broadway fan?
Jordan Roth @Jordan_Roth
Tonight in @BookOfMormonBWY, when Elder Cunningham sang "Just like Bono! I am Africa!" guess who clapped his hands above his head?... BONO!