out damned spot out i say

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Blue Crack Addict
Aug 12, 2005
Waiting for this madness to end.
so...either i'm a really dirty girl, or macbook pros actually have a flaw. i refuse to believe the latter, so i'll assume i'm just dirty.

does anyone have a solution for the palm stains? i've tried nail polish remover...that helps only a little bit. i'm open to suggestions.
is it a macbook, or pro? just making sure...i've never heard of discoloration on the pros, but with the regular macbook, it's a well documented problem with the first generation, and apple will replace the case on it.

i wouldn't put nail polish remover on the case though because it's abrasive, and might damage the case in the long run...
:hmm: so, what exactly does it look like? i have heard of the pros having a type of flaking...i'll try to find a pic

EDIT: i do use magic erasers on my macbook on occasion, and i haven't had any problems with it, maybe try one of those?
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the mr. clean magic erasers. but, don't get them too wet, or clean the screen with them...just a light rubbing should clean it well.

Found a pic of the flaking:

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I'm in charge of laptop diagnostics at work and part of my service is doing a cleaning of the laptop. After I blow out all the dust and shit, I clean the whole thing with special wipes made for laptops and LCDs. They're basically very soft, anti-static baby wipes (special fibers that won't scratch) pre-wetted with isopropyl alcohol. I try not to scrub at the touchpads and palm marks b/c I don't want to damage the finish or wear it down more, but I just go over it lightly with clean wipes until the wipes come out clean or I can't get anything else off. Once I had this girl's white Mac and I swear she was using Photobooth as a mirror for applying her powdered blush and bronzer. Her palm marks were brick red. :huh:

This is exactly what I use, but I'm not sure where to get them (this link was from Amazon) since our receptionist orders them for me:
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