Once Upon A Time

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Rock n' Roll Doggie VIP PASS
Dec 1, 2003
Did anyone watch this?

I thought it was completely bizarre at first, but at the end of the first show, I found it entertaining. But I think it could work more as a movie rather than a TV show. How can they make three or four seasons out of this?
Hmmmmm, I think I liked it. I was alternating the whole hour between being interested and rolling my eyes. The last few minutes are what pushed it over into "interested."

On a shallow note, I think Ginnifer Goodwin is lovely, but I haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaate that pixie haircut on her. It makes her look weird.
I tried to watch, I love Snow White and it is by the Lost people. But I only made it for about 10 minutes. Maybe if it's On Demand and I can watch from the beginning it will make some sense.

Ginnifer Goodwin is beautiful but I agree, her hair in the classroom scene looked awful. Is she supposed to be a nun? I thought I read that.
The episode tonight was good. The evil queen/mayor is one nasty, conniving bitch!

But I keep thinking this show should've been a movie or a miniseries, and I will say that until the show ends and/or gets bad.
I just want to say that this week's episode was amazing and I'm completely addicted to this show.

Lana Parrilla should get an Emmy or a Golden Globe for playing one nasty bitch so well!
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