It?s about the Salome bootleg. I have been intrigued lately. I might be wrong but I think that it could be Edge doing the vocals in Chances Away (long version), it?s track 10 from CD1. I?m aware that probably nobody will know the answer, but anyway, please, pay attention and listen to the song carefully and then tell me what do you think, right?
Seu pa?s ? lindo. Seu povo ? lindo. Suas vozes s?o lindas. N?o esqueceremos voc?s. - Bono - S?o Paulo - 01/31/1998

Seu pa?s ? lindo. Seu povo ? lindo. Suas vozes s?o lindas. N?o esqueceremos voc?s. - Bono - S?o Paulo - 01/31/1998