Blue Crack Addict
my flight has been cancelled
LarryMullen's_POPAngel said:And how could they do it so far ahead in advance?
redkat said:Char says her flight is full of hot firefighters heading to the parade
zonelistener said:
It's called "pulling down the flights."
Two factors: The NY/NJ Port Authority absolutely FAILED the airlines this whole season with an inability to clear taxi and runways quick enough to get flights in and out quickly (the Port Authority run all three NYC area airports). So, the airlines, knowing the PANY/NJ will not be able to handle it, have reduced the number of "operations" (flights) in and out of NY tomorrow. I had a hour long call where we discussed early reductions.
Secondly, as I mentioned before, it does not take much for the New York Air Traffic Control System to need "slow downs." They try to cut down on the number of airplanes in the area (instead of a plane landing every minute at LaGuadia, they will thin it out to one every two minutes). Air Traffic Control will ask airlines to cancel flights. Each airline will be required to cancel "X" number of flights. They will look at the loads on the flights and condense passengers.
This is ALMOST a daily occurence in the NY area. Add a prediciton of 5-10 inches of snow AND/OR ice pellets, and things get UGLY.
We are booked on a 6pm flight out for arrival at 8:30ish Friday evening. I will be looking for alternatives when I get to work tomorrow!
IF you think you may need help, feel free to call me on my cell phone (see April's list)...but do so before 9:30am EST - I will be stuck in interview sessions from 9:30 until noon.
redkat said:Jeff, if you're still here
They told me they canceled all the morning flights from LAX to NYC, this is Delta. If the weather isn't as bad as they feared is it possible that they will go ahead with some morning flights so if I went to the airport early I might be able to get on one?
I could drive to LAX faster than I can get
a hold of a live person.
redkat said:Jeff, if you're still here
They told me they canceled all the morning flights from LAX to NYC, this is Delta. If the weather isn't as bad as they feared is it possible that they will go ahead with some morning flights so if I went to the airport early I might be able to get on one?
I could drive to LAX faster than I can get
a hold of a live person.
Who planned a march gathering in NY anyways
Headache in a Suitcase said:stupid manbearpig :shakesangryfist:
i'm super serial.
redkat said:it doesn't look like I'll get a flight. NY seems to be shut down. April's was canceled too. She may have better luck than me though.
I'm still on hold