Notre Dame Head Count, who's going, what time are you getting there and are you .....

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I Serve Larry's Stick
Feb 5, 2001
Rocky Mountains
going to see if you can meet the guys before the show?

I plan on getting there before noon or so on Wednesday, I've got behind the stage tix (had ga at the last show), so I'm going to be scoping out the Joyce Center trying to figure out where the band will be coming in from. This is my only chance this leg to see about meeting them so I'll probably be disappointed if I don't. Anyone think they'll do a runner after this show or would the possibility to meet them after the show still be there?

I need someone to stay with (ie split hotel/motel costs) for the Notre Dame show. Please follow this link and post to the thread if you can help!!!

We turn away to face the cold, enduring chill
As the day begs the night for mercy
Your sun so bright it leaves no shadows, only scars
Carved into stone on the face of the earth
The moon is up and over One Tree Hill
Clarity it will be obvious where they come in. It is always the service entrance to the arena. You will see some of their trucks and maybe a bus or two for the road crew parked in this area. Getting there at noon will be overkill though as they have been arriving very late on this tour. Although the fact that they will probebly be flying into South Bend from Chicago usually means they will get there around mid afternoon (that is if they are running on schedule). But mid afternoon will be the earliest they arrive and it will probebly be later than that. It is a crapshoot as far as them getting out. Its the first show after a lay off so they will probebly want to get into the arena ASAP and do a fairly lenghty soundcheck. So they may just get out and wave and say they are running late and cannot stay.

I will be getting there mid afternoon, not sure of the exact time. But I will probebly try to meet them, again. I have met all of them except Larry (missed him by 10 minutes in Chicago! Damn!) So I would like to meet Larry.

[This message has been edited by Blue Room (edited 10-01-2001).]
I'll be there. Haven't decided yet when I will arrive. I think it takes 3 hours to drive to South Bend from where I'm at.

All I need are some tasty waves, cool buzz, and I'm fine.
Well since it's going to take us about 6 hrs to get there,my friend and I are coming up the night before....we'll probably get there late tue nite!!!!

I did'nt want to do any driving the day of ,so we'll be staking out the arena early too...still no idea where our tickets are located since I've not got word yet.

Clairty and LadyLemon do you girls think we're going to be lucky enough to get to meet the band......
I too have a six-seven hour drive ahead of me, and I won't be able to start that drive until that morning, so I won't be able to hang out with you guys, I'm afraid.

Any plans on waiting after the show -- and, given that U2's been known to occasionally rush out -- any possibility of that actually producing any results?

- Achtung Bubba
Achtung Bubba, they will most likely do what they call a "runner" from South Bend. Which means they bolt from the arena even before the house lights come back up and head for their airplane. So meeting them afterwards is not very likely. Sometimes though after they do soundcheck one of them will come back outside if there are fans waiting there. I know Adam came out after U2 did soundcheck in Detroit (Bono got out briefly when they arrived before soundcheck also). So I will probebly hang out there until it is time to go inside. Should be nice to relax for a change and not have to deal with the tiresome wait and stress of trying to get into the heart (I will do that 5 days later!)

Hopefully I will see some of you. I didnt meet one person from Interference on the first leg. I probebly saw a bunch of you but no one (myself included) identified themselves. Maybe it will be different this time.

[This message has been edited by Blue Room (edited 10-01-2001).]
browneyedgirl--we better!! think positive!!

All I need are some tasty waves, cool buzz, and I'm fine.
THAT will be unlikely. U2's security usually makes you stand behind a barracade or fence if a band member comes out. So you most likely will not get your picture taken with Bono.
Hmmm, I've got tix (bleachers, 5th row, kind of junky but what can you do?) but am going to be driving from Chicago that afternoon, probably will work. So its unlikely I will be able to try and meet up w/the group beforehand (never met them despite 13 shows so far). Like Blue Room suggested, a lengthy soundcheck is probably in order given they will be pretty rusty. I doubt they'll spend much time outside the arena. Good luck tho!
Originally posted by browneyedgirl:
Blue bring me down....

Awwww...don't listen to Blue!
We'll be out there and they'll want to me us!! Think positive!! Now we all need to come up with a place to meet!!!
Hey, I'am not trying to bring you down! You may very well get to meet Bono. I just didnt want you going in there with false expectations. I have had the oppurtunity to meet Bono, Adam and Edge 6 times over the years and there was only 1 time where they allowed us to have our picture taken with them and that was not at the venue.

But getting to talk to them, shake their hand, and get autographs is PLENTY IMO. Sorry if I have been a downer on the subject.
I'm coming to South Bend from Indy...what's the best way to come up and the easiest way to get myself to Notre Dame off the highway?
9 more days!!

All I need are some tasty waves, cool buzz, and I'm fine.
Don't worry Blue...I was only teasing you....I'm so hyped over this concert not much could bring me down!!!!

Clairty...are you coming up by yourself?
We do need a place to meet up,or we can just wear our Interference tags and spot each other out!!!
So are people meeting before the show?? Just curious.

BTW browneyedgirl--Indiana was lots of fun as usual. Whenever I got done with my roll of film I'll have them developed online so you can see the guy who won this years contest.

Damn, why can't a James Dean look-alike live by me??


Goonies never say die!

[This message has been edited by ~LadyLemon~ (edited 10-02-2001).]
Originally posted by browneyedgirl:
Clairty...are you coming up by yourself?
We do need a place to meet up,or we can just wear our Interference tags and spot each other out!!!

Yeah I'm coming up by myself, I was thinking we could meet at the venue or wherever. I can't find my tag, but I can describe what I look like and what I'll be wearing if that'll help.
Hey LadyLemon...glad you had a good time in Fairmont.....

Please post the pic of the winner this as usual I'm sure !!

I'm not sure if people are meeting before the show or not......or if my friend and I will be going anywhere if they do...
I just want to get the arena early...check things out....I was very late to the show in Columbus,did'nt even get to see much of P.J.

If the boys are feeling social I want to at least be there to see it!!!

BTW...are any of you taking a camera?
Will I be able to take a good one inside or should I try to sneak a disposable.....
I did'nt take any pics the last show and I regreted it...
I tried to take pics at the last show and none of them came out. I was in the heart right next to the stage too.
I'm going to take a camera pretty much just in case I get to meet the guys. I do want to try to meet up with whoever I can, that just makes it more fun!!
That's ballsy Clairty....I'd never go to a concert by myself....I'm just a big wimp though, I know poeple do it all the time!!!

If you want to e-mail and give me some specifics maybe you could meet me and my friend at least to hang around with before the show....since we have this mutual stalking goal ...

drop me a line at
Cool Clairty....I'll get back to ya tonite...I'm at work right now(not that you could tell...boss is off today!!!
I'm going to Notre Dame, and plan to take my 3 foot x 5 foot Irish flag

Not sure when I'll be there though.

"Yeah, we'll shine like stars in the summer night, we'll shine like stars in the winter night. One heart, one hope, one love."
I'm gonna be there.

I hope to meet y'all. It'd be fun to have an after-show get-together somewhere. I'll ask around to see if we can use a friend's or relative's place. It'll be fun.

I'm overweight and I'll be wearing a dirty, floppy Star Wars hat with a bunch of pins and buttons on it. Look for me.
I miss ND!!


One of only a handful of guys to live in McGlinn (MS Accountancy '00)

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