NOT what Florida needed right now... Hurricane Frances

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Nate Dogg

Jun 7, 2000
South Florida
We are struggling to get our lives back to normal here in the Southwest part of the state from Hurricane Charley, and now Frances is bearing down on the East coast...a strong category 4 storm. There's so many people without roofs in this area that will not be able to stay home to ride the storm out here. There is debris on the sides of the roads everywhere that still hasn't been picked up....waiting to become flying debris. The mental state of Floridians is being tested for sure. The only thing I am assured is that I won't lose my job this time(because I already did!)......The Sunshine State...hah!

Anyone on the East Coast and central parts of Florida...good luck, my heart goes out to you....
As a resident of the Hurricane Magnet of the East Coast (formerly known as Wilmington, NC - The Cape Fear Region), I can speak with absolute empathy and tell you my heart goes out to Florida.

The truth of the matter, though, is that NOBODY needs that b*tch Frances knocking on (down) their door! Let's all pray she self-destructs and turns back east into the ocean!! :madspit:

(Batten down those hatches, just to be safe, though!!!)
I was just there in Florida for 10 days. I was in Key West when Hurricane Charly hit, but it didnt hit Key West to bad. But we drove up to Orlando and some parts of Orlando had gotten hit pretty bad. Its crazy that another hurricane is going to hit, I wish all floridans good luck, and try to be safe.
We got a Category 2 up here in Nova Scotia last year (Juan), and that was enough for me.

I can't even imagine what a 4 or 5 must be like.

Best of luck and Godspeed to everyone down south.

And if the Feds issue an evacuation order...

FOR GOD'S SAKE GET OUT OF THERE! For your own good! :(
I'm in Tampa and am really worried about Frances coming to dinner here as she cuts across the state. Since Charley spared us, I'm so scared she's gonna hit us. :sad: :no:
I feel like hurricanes have me on their shit list.

Charley came straight for me where I live now (Tampa); and now Frances is going straight for where I grew up (West Palm Beach).


Either way, I don't see how Tampa Bay will escape at least a Cat 2 as Frances comes across the state. :sad:
Yeah we went through Hurricane Isabel :huh: It wasn't very pretty...I live 3 blocks from the Chesapeake Bay and all the houses by the bay were basically destroyed or about under 5 feet of water. We were spared the damage but didn't have electricity for 2 weeks :(

:hug: To every one in Florida.
If it does hit, I hope everyone makes it through okay.

Isabel came up here last year (I never thought a hurrincane could hit so far north) and I was terrified. I can't imagine what it must be like facing the threat of a catagory 4. :hug:
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HelloAngel said:

Either way, I don't see how Tampa Bay will escape at least a Cat 2 as Frances comes across the state. :sad:

I know, this is getting really old really fast :mad: I feel so sorry for everyone that went through Charley, this is sure to affect them too and they're already in a bad situation :(

I'm sorry you lost your job Nate Dogg :( :hug:

I have a friend who is a teacher in the Orlando area, and after Charely the schools were closed for a week. It's weird, because Orlando is right in the middle of the state, nowhere near the coast, and it looks like they're going to get a double dose again too :(
Stay safe, Floridians and everyone else who is affected by this storm. It looks like a biggie.

My parents live one block away from an evaculated area in Pompano Beach, so they took the hint and fled to my aunt's house in Tamarac, which is further from the water. I hope they'll be okay.
Sorry to hear about your job, Nate Dogg. :hug:

My heart goes out to all of you in the path of this storm. Stay safe. :hug:
As of this morning, the storm has slowed down, which is not good. It has also weakened slightly, but has plenty of room to strengthen at it's slower speed. This is a large storm, which will bring 10-20 inches of rain over about two days. Take into account our above average August rainfall(at least here in the southwest portion of the state) and flooding may occur. There's also the possibility of tornadoes on all over the state, so that sucks. Now it's not predicted to hit land until late Saturday, so we are just waiting for the inevitable.
Frances is definitely bad news. Try to stay safe, you guys. It's really wet and rainy here in Birmingham, but at least there's not any strong wind.
We're having thunderstorms in Birmingham right now, really bad ones. It's a spin-off from the hurricane. Whew! How scary!!:yikes: :yikes:
I hope you guys don't get it! And I hope the remnants don't come up to VA and flood us here like has been happening. I am so sick of rain and mud. My nephew was stuck in the Gaston flood in his car up to his neck! He got out but it ruined his expensive satellite radio system. I have so many awful hurricane stories, I do not want anymore! For anybody! Go away Frances!
HelloAngel said:
The winds are already high here in Tampa. I am so worried for the people in South Fla right now! :(

I think we're getting on of our first squalls right now, not too bad yet, very breezy. The weather guy just said gusts to 24 currently. Over 10 inches of rain expected.

I'm worried for the other coast too :( The thing has just been moving so slow, there's probably going to be a lot of flooding :(

I just saw on one of the local stations a video of a surfer on the east coast jumping off a pier into these huge waves! :no: :yikes:
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:| Yeah, I hope everyone in florida will be safe! I am too, in jacksonville but I can at least go to my friends' house to wait the storm out!! God Help us all! Now, we are getting reports of tornatoes!!! ugh! :(
HelloAngel said:

Florida doesn't need anymore of this anxiety!!!


The worst part of Frances has been the waiting. At least with Charley the storm came and went within a matter of hours. It's been about 24 hours now that we've been getting really high winds and driving rain from the feeder bands coming across the state.

:hug: to everyone just waiting and watching to see what this storm does.
My parents returned to Pompano Beach this morning about 9 am. Their apt. didn't have any damage, and they never lost their power, according to neighbors who'd stayed there.

I hope others have the same good fortune.
Our rec center is a "shelter", but basically it's just open so the Fire department can eat somewhere. I worked 2 hours Saturday night, all day yesterday, and am here again today :grumpy: It's just as well though, the power has been out at my house since about 1 p.m. yesterday.

A lovely Labor Day weekend :|
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