New Windows Updates Killing iTunes?

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Rock n' Roll Doggie FOB
Jan 31, 2005
Yesterday I downloaded and installed a few automatic updates that popped up for my Windows XP. About 2 hours later, I tried to open my iTunes---which has worked beautifully for 2 years---and the album cover area is black & says "Unable to view album art on this computer." WTF?

My only guess is to try and re-install iTunes. If that doesn't work, then I guess I'll try and uninstall the recent updates....? :shrug:
I uninstalled & reinstalled iTunes, but I still got the message. I googled the problem & found this site:

..which offers several possible fixes. The one that worked for me was changing the hardware acceleration. For some reason, mine wasn't set at the max, which is the recommended setting. I bumped it up & everything works fine. :D
I had a similar problem recently. I couldn't play any songs in i-tunes, or on my windows media player. I decided to wait it out until I could get someone to help me with it. Before I could get help, I had an automatic Windows update -- and now both media players are working fine. Sometimes I think that Windows intentionally screws things up so I'll do the updates......
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