new version of desire

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Dec 7, 2002
so what does everyone think of the new version they did of desire?
(can grab it in this thread: in the real thing mp3, not rehearsals)

all i can say is wow... guitars sounded really big, was a great mix of the acoustic version and the regular version (kind of reminds me of All I Want is You on the U2 Go Home DVD), and also the return of the G-L-O-R-I-A makes me excited... he might be hinting at the fact that Exit is coming back for the next tour I hope :)
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I always loved the acoustic version, but this... this is what the song was meant to be! I can't wait to hear it on the tour. Just brilliant, and it fits in perfectly with the upbeat, rocking tone of HTDAAB (Vertigo, All Beacause Of You).
It's great! I love the acoustic versions, but this one is brilliant too! GO EDGE! :edge: = :heart:
I really like that version is a mix between the Elevation version and the original version. Sounds pretty fucking good. I hope they play like that on the tour. :up:
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