New song "Original Of The Species" started in 2000/1

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Down Under

Oct 25, 2004
Sydney, Australia
After downloading ( and having a listen to “Original Of The Species” from the acoustic performance of Bono and The Edge at the Apple iPod announcement in San Jose, CA on 26 October 2004.
I thought a few words sounded familiar.
Dug out an old video tape of a 60 Minutes interview of Bono recorded in February 2001. The American interviewer takes a ride in Bono’s Mercedes and asks him “what do you listen to while you are driving”?
He presses play on the car stereo and we hear (“everywhere you go you shout it, you do not have to be shy about it”) a 15 second vocal demo of what is described as a work in progress.
He says “the song is about his children and about being yourself, which is the hardest thing to do”.
yeah, i saw that 60 minutes clip too. if the album version is even a fraction as good as that clip sounded, i'm going to be in love with that song. :drool:
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