Teenager becomes musician to find an outlet for angst and grief in a war weary nation.
Teenager grows into successful young rock star, yet is still filled with angst and grief in a war weary nation.
Young rock star becomes one of the most famous persons on the planet, yet is still filled with angst in grief in a war weary nation.
Middle aged rock icon sees friends and other rock icons commit suicide, deals with own grief and angst. Plays small part in helping to broker peace in war weary nation. Uses celebrity for good.
Older rock icon is happy and doesn't have same angst and grief that drove past lyrics, nor the the war weary nation as a stepping off point for songs. People mock his use of celebrity for good, wonder why he can't write songs like he used to.
Teenager grows into successful young rock star, yet is still filled with angst and grief in a war weary nation.
Young rock star becomes one of the most famous persons on the planet, yet is still filled with angst in grief in a war weary nation.
Middle aged rock icon sees friends and other rock icons commit suicide, deals with own grief and angst. Plays small part in helping to broker peace in war weary nation. Uses celebrity for good.
Older rock icon is happy and doesn't have same angst and grief that drove past lyrics, nor the the war weary nation as a stepping off point for songs. People mock his use of celebrity for good, wonder why he can't write songs like he used to.