We all know this is not the case.I’m hoping with all this stuff and several albums they are basically writing several projects and developing them through to nearly done as a way of filling in time while Larry is recovering. It would make sense for them to have the work done sans final recording for a bunch of things and then just smash through it with Larry. Maybe that is where Bono’s “we’re not releasing SOA now” stuff comes from. Queue them up, record them, drop them over the next 5-6 years, bail around their 70ths
For probably 20 years now we have heard how they have so many songs. So much material, and even how they’ll release follow up albums immediately….
Yet we never ever see (or hear ) it.
I think the two truths are
Bono and edge consider every sound a potential song. A riff, a lyric, whatever. So technically they may have 4 billion songs. A unreasonable guitar album is probably just an unreasonable amount of Edge riffs recorded on his phone.
They cannot stop tinkering with whatever songs are finished. I don’t doubt they have loads of songs in the vault, but they cannot let go of being the perfect pop/beatles song so they will tinker