New Album Discussion 1 - Songs of..... - Unreasonable guitar album

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
on the plus side for Lawrence, it’ll be a short tour if they skip the Trump states
Delayed album because of Trump's victory.

Q: So how's the new album coming along?

The Edge: "We're taking a step back at the moment. The mood has changed, and we want to reflect that".

Bono: "This is not America".

Unfortunately Bono, it is America. And more attempts of gestural sloganeering ain't changing that until you understand the affliction of modern America.
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“Not all Americans” but I think a lot of Americans still labour under the misconception that the rest of the world looks up to them. The idea of America as a serious nation, with systems and laws that are the envy of others started dying with George Bush Jr, was kept on life support by Obama and flat lined in 2016.

The views on guns, public health, women and education are closer to those of the Middle East than the rest of the western world. You have a military that could wipe out the rest of the world, but one in five people are illiterate. You’ve spent so long steeling yourself from the jealous others who want to take this amazing thing you have, you didn’t realise that long ago we all just turned our backs and started to pity rather than envy.

I fear for American women. Your bodies are no longer your own. A single religious idea is imposed on an entire people regardless of their own beliefs. That isn’t religious freedom. It is not a free country, a democratic country, or a just country.
I have a question on the release date of the shadow album. On Apple Music it says November 8th, but I thought it was actually coming out 2 or 3 weeks later.
“Not all Americans” but I think a lot of Americans still labour under the misconception that the rest of the world looks up to them. The idea of America as a serious nation, with systems and laws that are the envy of others started dying with George Bush Jr, was kept on life support by Obama and flat lined in 2016.

The views on guns, public health, women and education are closer to those of the Middle East than the rest of the western world. You have a military that could wipe out the rest of the world, but one in five people are illiterate. You’ve spent so long steeling yourself from the jealous others who want to take this amazing thing you have, you didn’t realise that long ago we all just turned our backs and started to pity rather than envy.

I fear for American women. Your bodies are no longer your own. A single religious idea is imposed on an entire people regardless of their own beliefs. That isn’t religious freedom. It is not a free country, a democratic country, or a just country.
Take it to fym
I have a question on the release date of the shadow album. On Apple Music it says November 8th, but I thought it was actually coming out 2 or 3 weeks later.
Holy shit. I hadn’t noticed that. That would be the perfect cap to a shitty week. I wonder if it’s a mistake and it’s only when the next song from it gets released. I hope I’m wrong!
Holy shit. I hadn’t noticed that. That would be the perfect cap to a shitty week. I wonder if it’s a mistake and it’s only when the next song from it gets released. I hope I’m wrong!
Yeah it’s actually said that for a couple weeks now and it wasn’t until the U2Songs article where I was like “wait it’s not out on the 8th?”
Are you guys really against Iris?
For me that’s easy one of the strongest from that decade, getting even better with AVICII, depending of the mood
Invisible, which they decided weren't album worthy.

So yea.
And Invisible for me is one of the few really worthy in this era, specially live, better than half songs they’d released before

Is one of those songs like Happyness, Mercy, Window in the Skies, Disappearing Act, Hold me Trill me and Electrical Storm that as never had an album they’ll never play regularly in different tours
Are you guys really against Iris?
For me that’s easy one of the strongest from that decade, getting even better with AVICII, depending of the mood

And Invisible for me is one of the few really worthy in this era, specially live, better than half songs they’d released before

Is one of those songs like Happyness, Mercy, Window in the Skies, Disappearing Act, Hold me Trill me and Electrical Storm that as never had an album they’ll never play regularly in different tours
I love Iris. For whatever reason, at some point here at interference, a lot of people tried to pretend that Bono wasn’t a cheesy lyricist early in their career, so then they would hate anything that came across as cheesy later in their career.
I love Iris. For whatever reason, at some point here at interference, a lot of people tried to pretend that Bono wasn’t a cheesy lyricist early in their career, so then they would hate anything that came across as cheesy later in their career.
Well, as you probrably can note english is not my mother language, so for a really long time in my life I had nothing to pay attention in songs beside melodies and feelings. Lyrics or even translations were only on my imagination…but yeah the disapointment was big when read many of the lyrics LOL
I was lucky enough to be at Phoenix 2 and get Miracle Drug to open the encore. I was happy to hear it live, but man it took the air out of the arena, and then they didn't even follow it up with Bad like they had done earlier in Vancouver the first time they played it. Just got one less song
All Because of You in Milan 2018 was also complete deadweight. In front of one of usually liveliest European audiences.
Each song has its place on setlist, they try to make a show as a movie (with opening, telling, action, rest, climax, happy moment and end) since TJT86(Thanks Gavin Friday)

the point is sometimes they made mistakes LOL

and usually it happens when they’re trying to replace songs by album, since Elevation Tour

theres no sense on replace COBL for MD, one is “Magical/Opening Scene” other is a “Hangover scene”, they’re in their perfect places during Vertigo Tour, but MD and ABOY were out of place during I&E. Its hard for me to say that cause I love both, but were terrible in that tour

By the way: If anyone could recomend me a Good Quality live version of Miracle Drug from the Stadium leg of Vertigo Tour which they make a long chorus before the solo I would be glad🥹

I think my favorite is Barcelona, but the audio quality usually is not so good

And about Elevation many can’t hear it anymore but…I dont think that(also Vertigo) will leave the set one day, check the live shows(not videos, you in there) the most powerful songs live are Elevation, Sunday Bloody Sunday, End of The World and I think New Years Day.

Not even Streets have such power, not just about make the people pay attention or jump, but specially cause its a real boom in the ears different of any other
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I do think Love Is Blindness would have seen a better reaction if they would have gone with something other than, ya know, bugs against the screen - alas.
I have been watching many events of this concave 360 video technology in the last few years, and on the U2’s show, apart of The Fly, Atomic City and Real Thing which I really enjoyed the Sphere Screen to make magic things and should be the model base for the whole show, the arts in general were really weak, ugly to not talk about “bad taste” and other stuffs, I mean was that really the best screen they found to represent a song called beautiful day? Oh please!

just rebuild the videoclip would be better…

Many times it looks like they spent all the money and time in Real Thing, and just pushed nonsenses stuffs on other songs

They made noise cause they’re pioneer on Sphere and because they’re the U2, but the use of the Sphere was not high enough, when the rappers, and ladies of pop start to to make shows there we will see what the sphere can do, specially about being immersive, The Fly was the only one which really played with it.
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I have a question on the release date of the shadow album. On Apple Music it says November 8th, but I thought it was actually coming out 2 or 3 weeks later.
Mine says 8 November 2004, which was the original date. I think the re release is 22.

It’s possible another track lands tomorrow - two weeks short of the release, we got the first two, 2-3 weeks, Happiness and it’s been two weeks?
We got the 1 min teasers of Happiness and Luckiest, right? Then we got Happiness in full. So next full song maybe Luckiest? I doubt we hear Treason or Evidence of Life before album release
Yeah, I actually chatted with U2Songs this morning and they think it might say that because there's a radio edit coming out on the 8th. They hadn't heard of anything else coming today.
“Picture of You” has been in rotation on Serius/XM Alt Nation which kinda surprised me. Heard it several times this week
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Was really hoping to hear Luckiest Man In The World tomorrow, but after the election, maybe the world isn't ready for it yet.

Considering Trump 2.0 I think releasing Luckiest Man in the World would be insensitive. Clearly the USA is not the luckiest man in the world. If you're listening, Boner, the most sensitive thing would be to release the 2004 version of Mercy. :wave:
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