Mysterious Ways

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.


War Child
Jun 10, 2001
I've tried too.I have found that they often like a song until I say it's U2 then they dislike it.U2 is a special thing for the individual and I don't think you can make someone like them.If I am wrong please tell me how.
I have been converting people quite succesfully- one of my best friends is now a U2 fan after years of REM worship- We both recently went to see the Elevation tour- she was very impressed- you have to see them live to get the full magic I think.

Though their music stands alone as the true power.
I do not waste my time. I always felt like I have to defend why I love them and thought - why defend it's not worth it.

I treat it like - you like Pepsi or you like Coke. Screw them if they like Coke.


Come on take me away
Come on take me home
Home again
I was always a fan of their music, but what REALLY did it for me was to see them live, like GinaMarie said. I can't agree more! They put on an incredible live show, the music is unbelievable and the energy there is through the roof! I saw them once in June, and I have been dying to see them again.I am sooo looking forward to the 3rd leg. Hopefully, this time I will pay more attention to detail cause last time my mind was just blown I couldn't take it all in!
If that doesn't do it, give up and come into PLEBA and talk to people who DO appreciate them and their music!

"I invented cool, and YOU"RE on a boat with me."- Larry

"On security, the bodyguard of the band; the man who gave us our first job, and keeps us in our first job. On the drums- LARRY...MULLEN..JR!!!!"
-Bono introducing Larry, Boston, June 6, 2001
Originally posted by u2achtungbaby:
I treat it like - you like Pepsi or you like Coke. Screw them if they like Coke.
To do list:
1. college applications
2. social justice project
3. eat ice cream
4. take the Pepsi challenge.

THE BONO CHALLENGE -- that would make a good commericial! Taste this! Wait...*innuendo*

Pepsi (Bono) IS better than coke (Nsync) though. Lol I don't know what the music equivalent of coke is.
(Coke is a mystery and MJ history!)

"Thanks for letting us rub up against you!" ~Bono~
Originally posted by Gina Marie:
And one question Mona-when are you going to give up this Bono obsession and become a stand up comedienne instead??

*I heard Bono digs funny chicks*

[This message has been edited by Gina Marie (edited 09-08-2001).]
aw shucks. Lookit I'm so flattered I said 'shucks' NO ONE says shucks. The closest ppl get to saying 'shucks' is when I listen to peace on earth and Bono says 'all the folks the rest of us won't get to know' That does it -- folks! *back on my mower*

Alright. So who will help me in my crusade to buy tickets for my whole school? We could fill up a nice part of the heart. We need a PLEBA troupe so ppl will throw nickels at us.

"I'd like to thank you for letting me rub up against you!" ~Bono~
I thought my friend Ariel was on the way to U2 obsession (she LOVED the U2 mix cd I made her, and said "Bono's really hot" on more than one occasion), but then I showed her Pleba and she got kinda freaked (it was the era of the infamous "inside Bono's pants" thread
). I'm not worried tho. We'll win her over in Baltimore next month!

You can't do it, Honee...any more than I can understand one friend's infatuation for Elvis, or another friend's love of Jimmy Buffett...all the pictures, gushing and explanations about how Bono's life has influenced his AMAZING lyrics, how much Edge is a mensa-level genius GUITAR GOD, and Larry being the most GORGEOUS drummer who ever walked the just won't work. It's a personal, emotional, spiritual and musical connection, and unless it happens to 'rub up against' someone and work its magic on can pretty much forget it.

I know it KILLS ME when someone says "I hate U2!" or continues to pronounced Bono's name BONE-O, but I typically just give them a one of those head-cocked looks that says: oh, poor child - you just don't know what you're missing, do you???

I think that loving U2 and being part of their wondrous world truly is THE SECRET OF THE UNIVERSE!!!
I agree with Uv2001..."U2 is a special thing for the individual", I have always tried not to push my love for U2 on my friends. Though, I have organised a couple of "U2 video parties", my friends have learned a few U2 things from me, my dear sister has always gone to shows with me. She is a diehard fan of "another band", but she always jumps at the chance to see U2! **Sure sign of a closet fan**

Of course, she is coming with to the Austin show, she said she would not miss it for anything!
Ooops, I digress....anyway wildhonee, keep trying, a live show is the CLINCHER!!

"She is the dreamer, she's imagination..."

"The most amazing place you will ever be in your life is where you are right now.."

OK I'm nearly losing sleep over this -- how do you explain the magic of U2 to a non-believer? I've shown them pics of Bono and Larry, made them listen to Achtung Baby and nothing works. All my friends say they're old men. Whaaaaat?! So how would you yes YOU summarize the beauty that is U2?

Help me decipher their mysterious ways!

"Thanks for letting us rub up against you!" ~Bono~
to be honest wh, I don't think you can. Its an emotional thing. You either get it or you don't.

For me, the first time I heard them it was love. It don't always work for everyone. You just have to feel sorry them cos you know what they're missing out on.

Play em one song, if it doesn't catch their imagination, don't waste your time
I had one friend listen to 'in a little while' and 'ultraviolet' and 'babyface' -- 3 of my favs -- all in one sitting -- and she didn't get it!!! *pulls hair out of scalp*
It's driving me crazy.

I guess Bono is an acquired taste.

oooooo that sounds wrong *innuendo*

"Thanks for letting us rub up against you!" ~Bono~
Originally posted by Bonovation: you go onto to the U2 Chat thing. You crack me up, it'd be cool chatting with you real time
I went in there once or twice (possibly even thrice) but nobody was ever in there! I got sad and ran away

"Thanks for letting us rub up against you!" ~Bono~
Mona-I'd suggest taking your friends to see them LIVE. I've converted many of my friends that way. If that doesn't convince em' nothing will.

And one question Mona-when are you going to give up this Bono obsession and become a stand up comedienne instead??

*I heard Bono digs funny chicks*

[This message has been edited by Gina Marie (edited 09-08-2001).]
Originally posted by WildHonee:
Originally posted by Gina Marie:
And one question Mona-when are you going to give up this Bono obsession and become a stand up comedienne instead??

*I heard Bono digs funny chicks*

[This message has been edited by Gina Marie (edited 09-08-2001).]
aw shucks. Lookit I'm so flattered I said 'shucks' NO ONE says shucks. The closest ppl get to saying 'shucks' is when I listen to peace on earth and Bono says 'all the folks the rest of us won't get to know' That does it -- folks! *back on my mower*

Alright. So who will help me in my crusade to buy tickets for my whole school? We could fill up a nice part of the heart. We need a PLEBA troupe so ppl will throw nickels at us.

"shucks" is fine, it was the "moo" bit yesterday that had me worried

*still laughing over that post for some sad reason*
I did 'convert' one of my friends! She's an internet-friend though; never met her in real life :/ But still, I was glad that I had someone to chat with now about U2

Otherwise, the closest thing I've gotten to a compliment about them from one of my offline friends is "Your favorite group dresses weird" from just glancing at the Achtung Baby cover

My other friend was convinced they were an NSYNC and Backstreet Boys-type band ....
I agree though that it is an individual thing.

where do you sign up for the Bono challenge?
Wild Honee, I tried to "convert" some of my friends too, but...well, nothing to do with them. They don't like U2 music. U2 are one of the most important things in my life, but they don't give any emotion to some other people (yes, I think they're completely MAD...
We must accept it.

P.S. People who say that Bono, Edgy, Larry and Adam are not sexy at all...well...have serious problems with their eyes!!!!!!!!!
I hate to say it but it's hopeless in some cases. Some people just can't get past the "OLD" thing. My son and his friends like U2, but my 12 year old daughter and her friends are a hopeless case. They just will not accept or acknowledge anyone "OLD"- age is always the bottom line with them, they just can't think someone as old as their parents are good looking or cool. Very sad.
Also, we who are that age and have grown up with rock and roll are not your nerdy parents like people in the 'old days' were, I know my husband and I aren't so I don't know where she gets this, oh yeah, from her friends, mostly TRL airhead types I'm afraid.
She spent the night at a friend's slumber party Friday and called me Sat. morning to tell me they were watching MTV and had seen the Stuck video! I hadn't seen it yet and she was telling me about how funny it was and how the girls thought the actor who played Hewson was a hottie! I asked her if U2 looked cute and she said "They're OLD guys!" SIGH. That's always the end of it with some young girls.

I really can't understand it, not just because I love U2 so much, but when I was young I never cared how "OLD" somebody was. It never even entered into my opinion at all. Either someone was good or the sucked, good looking or ugly, that's all. When I was a teenager my favorite guys were Roger Daltrey of The Who and Paul McCartney of the Beatles and Wings, who were big at that time. I knew they were much older than me and had wives and kids but their pics were still on my wall and I liked their music and their looks more than any of the younger guys, well them and Cheap Trick!

It's sad Mona, and in a way it's like discrimination and prejudice and you can't get it out of their heads. If you can save one person, you'll be lucky. If you save none, it's their loss. You are the one with the quality taste, don't forget!
I'm afraid it's kind of impossible. But the best thing is to take them to see them live. If they don't fall then, they will never fall.
I don't try to convert any of my friends and I choose to whom I speak about them at all. My exboyfriend think they are ok, mostly because they are great musicians but he never understood my passion. I bought him a ticket for one of the shows here and sent me a message the day after and said that I had succeed, he had become a mini-U2-fan. I was really happy but when we got to talk more about it it wasn't what I thought. They just had been better then he had expected....
And another friend who went to the Popmartshow also just thought they were good, a great show, nothing more. But she is fascinated by my passion so she loves to hear me talk about it.

As so many have mentioned, it's a very individual thing and to be a _real_ fan I think you have to be an "emotionperson" which means that you can be passionate about other things as well, not only U2. Some people just can't get passionate about anything...

Did I make any sense?? LOL

"U2 on it?s own is a very interesting group and all. But U2 with it?s audience is a culture" - Bono

"That's ok, in Sweden we don't wear underpants" ~ Bono, June 11th -92, Stockholm, Globen

"The only thing louder then a U2 gig is the people who comes to a U2 gig" ~Bono
Originally posted by littleheartsuitcase:
where do you sign up for the Bono challenge?
*cackle* bbbbbbaaaaaahhhhhhhh maybe if I use my mental powers -telepathy I mean- Bono will come to school with me. Ooo how fun would THAT be? Curses upon curses. I think I've just been driving some ppl crazy instead of successfully converting. Bbaaaahhhhhh.

I made everyone watch the vma's and I said 'watch em perform you'll fall in love!'

overwhelming response: Yeah...the power wasn't working or something.

bah!!! (moo) I do have 2 friends who are lukewarm U2 fans but there should be more. I'm so greedy! *spreadin the love*

"I'd like to thank you for letting me rub up against you!" ~Bono~

"And I've lost my place again
I know this is surreal
But I'll try my luck with you
This life is on my side" ~Strokes~

"It's not time to be hip; it's not the time to be groovy; and the time is right to write songs with melodies that you can hear across the road, through the walls" ~Bono~

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