My sister has HTDAAB at work with her now...

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Heartland Kid

The Fly
Nov 8, 2004
Cleethorpes, UK
...for me!

She says she's gonna drop it round later on tonight but not til about 8pm!!!

I was just starting to download Miracle Drug and then the rest of the album but I thought it would be better if I waited til this evening so I can hear it on my stereo with a good sound instead of mp3's on my comp which has shit speakers. Have I made the right choice? I don't know if I can wait... :huh:

The next 6 hours are gonna go soooooooooo slow!!! ::eyebrow:
Dont forget to scan the booklet.

You can also send us the uncompressed WAV files for download in yousendit.


No I mean its a copy as in copied from somewhere. Not sure if it's copied from the original, someone at her work had it. There is no Fast Cars on there. Just the 11 tracks we know of.
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