My mother has breast cancer

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Blue Crack Overdose Get me off the internetz!
Nov 3, 2002
wishing I was somewhere else....
I am numb, I cannot believe it. Nothing ever prepares you for something like this. She is having a mastectomy next week and my sister and I will be with her. I hope she will pull through this as she has had a summer full of nothing but doctor visits and x-rays, tests, medications and treatments for various ailments. Needless to say her attitude is not the best and it is difficult to spend too much time with her as her mood fluctuates so much from anger to remorse to regret to bitterness to hope to fear, etc. and all over again. It's so exhausting. But I just listen and hug her when I can and tell her how much I do love and support her. We hope she will sail through the surgery. Thoughts and prayers are appreciated! :hug:
I'll keep you and your family in my thoughts. :hug:

My Mom's sister fought breast cancer three times and won, so there are some incredible survivor stories out there. I am glad that you and your sister will be there with your Mom - you sound like a lovely family. All the best to you!
My thoughts are with you and your family. :hug:
Best of luck to your mom, and hang in there!

My mom was diagnosed with breast cancer when I was in college, and has been cancer free for over 10 years now. There's always hope, and lots of success stories out there - keep thinking positive. :)
My mom had a mastectomy over 30 years ago and has been cancer free ever since. Yours will do just as well, Carek. Keep her spirits up and it will help you get through it as well. Everything will start getting better after next week, most importantly her health.

Best of luck to your mom, Carek :hug:
Carek, all I can say is been there done that with my mom. Luckily, it was 17 years ago which is a very positive thing. You'll be in my thoughts and prayers.
Awww, I'm so sorry to hear that and I wish you and your family the best. It can be overcome if it is diagnosed at an early stage, and I'm sure you, your mom and family will be doing fine.

Both my mom's sister and my dad's sister have battled breast cancer and survived. My mom's mother did not survive, but only because by the time the cancer was caught it had spread to her bones...yet another reason for women to get regular mammograms.

It's good for you to be there for her, I have faith that she'll pull through just fine :hug:
:hug: Your family's in our prayers, Carek. Stay strong & stay positive, knowing that so many here care about you. :hug:
positive thoughts headed your way.....

It is also good to hear all of the individuals here that have survivor stories. :up:

I am not sure what else to say knowing my history with the disease.... :(
Thank you all for your kindnesses, prayers and best wishes. I have to say that the Interference Family can be one of deep caring and nurturing and there are MANY of us who can attest to how the well wishes and positive thoughts have certainly helped to get through many difficult times.

I was let go from my job (a lay off) yesterday which has actually been a blessing because I now have all the time in the world to be with my mom for as long as she needs someone during her recovery. I will be leaving early next week to be with her. I will check in from her place. :hug: to all who stopped in to share their own stories and leave positive wishes, you are all very special to me.
Carek1230 said:

I was let go from my job (a lay off) yesterday which has actually been a blessing because I now have all the time in the world to be with my mom for as long as she needs someone during her recovery. I will be leaving early next week to be with her. I will check in from her place. :hug: to all who stopped in to share their own stories and leave positive wishes, you are all very special to me.

:ohmy: I'm glad you are able to see a silver lining in all of this. For some people, such a one-two punch would be too much for them to handle. You're strong. :hug:
^thank you! :hug: Things seem to go this way in my life though so I am used to it. It's not been one hectic thing or trauma at a time. And yes, I am strong!
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