my husband thinks church is about going somewhere.

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The Fly
Jun 3, 2006
South Saint Paul, MN
My prayer is that he would repent and believe that God is much bigger than a certain denomination but a True Being that can meet him where he's at in life. My prayer is that he would understand that Jesus is more than an example but some kind of TRUTH that he can live by. My husband has agreed to study Jesus's teachings (starting) this Sunday afternoon.
thanks for any prayers.
His dad was someone who didn't believe in the true Christianity portrayed in the Bible, so he has a lot of angst.
Mrs. W.
It sounds to me as if you want your husband to believe exactly the way you believe. Why not let him believe his own way?
If your husband chooses not to believe in god, why not respect that choice? He seems to respect your beliefs aswell since he said he's going to study it, and if there's respect on both sides, why try to change him instead of leaving who he is?
Just because a person doesn't go to church does not mean they don't believe in God. I am personally turned off by types who try to tell me if I don't believe exactly as they do I am going to hell. How do you know "true Christianity" is described in the Bible, so much of it was written years after Christ died, and so many lost gospels were destroyed or supressed by the early church in order to control people their own way. I heard a quote once, that the only true Christian died on the cross and that has been my experience. Please do not shove religion down his throat or make him feel guilty about it or you will only drive him away and that won't help him. My bad experience with religion that has repelled me from churches and church people came from people doing just that though I am not even a nonbeliever.
Butterscotch said:
Just because a person doesn't go to church does not mean they don't believe in God. I am personally turned off by types who try to tell me if I don't believe exactly as they do I am going to hell.

I've definitely had this argument with more than one person. I haven't been to church in several years, other than a funeral service and a friend's wedding recently.
Butterscotch said:
Just because a person doesn't go to church does not mean they don't believe in God. I am personally turned off by types who try to tell me if I don't believe exactly as they do I am going to hell. How do you know "true Christianity" is described in the Bible, so much of it was written years after Christ died, and so many lost gospels were destroyed or supressed by the early church in order to control people their own way. I heard a quote once, that the only true Christian died on the cross and that has been my experience. Please do not shove religion down his throat or make him feel guilty about it or you will only drive him away and that won't help him. My bad experience with religion that has repelled me from churches and church people came from people doing just that though I am not even a nonbeliever.

You've exactly said what I was thinking. You CANNOT force someone to believe in a certain way, nozomi. How can you tell that the way you believe is the right way? Does that mean that all other forms of religions that are out there are bad? You have to respect the way some people feel about and act out their religions. Or, don't act out any religion, if they strongly feel that they don't want to believe. And what other people have said in this thread, is true as well. Just because some people don't connect strongly to the Bible or to church, doesn't make them 'bad believers'. It just means they believe in a different way, and they should be respected for that as well.
Sorry, no!!! OMG, I am not the type to try and force someone (my husband) into the supposed idea of Christianity held by perspectives not delved into in this little prayer request. I'm only asking for prayer because he has claimed Jesus as Savior for his life, yet, is not interested in a relationship with the Jesus of the Bible . . . yet, he's agreed to study Jesus's teachings THIS SUNDAY and I think Jesus was all about what He Taught.
So, I guess my prayer is not that he would attend Church with me, of Course!, but more, find out what Jesus taught and that the truth of that would lead any involvement in whatever Church comes from the process . . . umm...does this make sense? sorry I haven't been on in awhile, I was in retrograde or denial. thanks. I still have to go find some type of study guide (he was very open to a study guide and yet very open to just reading the Bible the way that Jesus talks.) So, I'm still deciding on whether to look for a Bible study or not. He's a good man and very open to my opinion.

thanks :):wink:
I'm only asking for prayer because he has claimed Jesus as Savior for his life, yet, is not interested in a relationship with the Jesus of the Bible . . .

To me this is still you trying to push your idea of what he should believe onto him. I think if it's something that important (and apparently to you it is) it would be better if he comes to it on his own as opposed to doing it because you want him to (which is what it feels like reading your posts). I know I never get the same benefit out of something I do to please someone else than I do when it's something I truly want.

I do think you want what you feel is best for him, but he's an adult, but adults should be allowed to think for themselves and come to their own conclusions. If he wants to read the Bible, let him read the Bible. He'll figure it out on his own. It's not really that difficult a book.
no, sorry, he has believed on Jesus Christ as his Savior, as in John 3:16 "For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life. God did not send his Son into the world to condemn it, but to save it. There is no judgement awaiting those who trust him. But those who do not trust him have already been judged for not believing in the only Son of God."
John 3:16-18 NLT (the Holy Bible)

the thing is, with my husband--he believes it in his head, in his intellectual capabilities--he hasn't (exactly) recieved Christ Jesus in his heart (emotions.) --I HAVE!!! that's what I'm going through. I believe and I love the Lord and hope our marriage will reflect it one day. My husband is a good man and recieved Christ in his head, and, maybe (I don't know, only Christ knows) maybe he had recieved Christ in a social way--who knows-- I hope the Lord brings that about. He brings growth.
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nozomi said:

the thing is, with my husband--he believes it in his head, in his intellectual capabilities--he hasn't (exactly) recieved Christ Jesus in his heart (emotions.) --I HAVE!!! that's what I'm going through. I believe and I love the Lord and hope our marriage will reflect it one day. My husband is a good man and recieved Christ in his head, and, maybe (I don't know, only Christ knows) maybe he had recieved Christ in a social way--who knows-- I hope the Lord brings that about. He brings growth.

Why is the head less significant than the heart? Everyone understands spirituality in different ways. My husband recently asked me why I have no motivation to go to church anymore and I said b/c every time I've gone recently, I've got nothing out of it. We went to a private college and I studied theology, both in classes and on my own time with professors and mentors I trusted and respected. No sermon can ever replace what I learned from these experiences. Nothing I ever heard in church has changed me half as much as what I learned from these people. These days, I avoid church because everyone is so quick to judge. I find greater peace just going for a walk in the morning and stopping to take pictures of flowers. I did not choose to feel this way, that's just how it is. I don't do anything in life simply based on emotion and heart, that's not who I am. Maybe it's not who he is either. I am an evangelist, but not an evangelical. I believe in loving and accepting everyone and showing that love by example, not forcing anyone to do what I want or believe what I want. I don't believe that one has to experience an emotional conversion of sorts in order to accept God's Grace. To me, that requirement has no theological merit. It may be spiritually significant for you, but if it's not for him, it's just not.
But those who do not trust him have already been judged for not believing in the only Son of God."

Does it really say that worded just that way? Whoa. That's harsh.

From reading these posts it sounds like this means so much to you that you really can't accept living with someone who doesn't even if it's only because you're afraid he's condemned to the fiery depths or whatever. I hope this doesn't cause a rift in your relationship if he chooses not to beileve the same as you.
I have a friend who is quite religious. There was a time where she tried to force me into her way of thinking. Caused a lot of battles because I didn't appreciate being told how to feel or what to believe. Frankly it pissed me off when I was told that I would go to hell because I wasn't saved. Not everyone believes in the same thing or does it the same way. Therefore one should not be judged based on being "different".

If your husband truly wants to do this for himself then good! However I would leave that decision totally up to him rather then force it upon him.
^Don't be pissed off too much, chances are good that we could meet down there. :sexywink:

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