My Husband Had a Bono Dream!!

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War Child
Dec 12, 2002
The Dude Abides
Okay, this is getting totally out of hand.

Being old farts, we were out taking out nightly 3-mile walk, a time we usually catch up and talk about things. Out of the blue he says, "I had a Bono dream last night!"

Now, my Bono dreams usually involve some kind of hugging and kissing, so I was a little scared.:uhoh: I've never shared my Bono dreams with him, though! Thankfully, it turned out to be a manly Bono dream.

He said we were in France and Bono was talking to him about his green blazer -- a nasty green blazer that my daughter always tells him to leave home, haha. There was a great deal of back slapping and laughing and "We Irish need to stick together!"

My husband told me I *was* there and I was glad -- how sad is that???? I told him if it ever did happen and I wasn't there, I'd be totally crushed!

Then, I had to admit I had had an Edge dream a few nights before. I dreamed I had a picture of JT Edge and me and I wanted to get a current photo so I could compare.

You know it's getting bad when your husband starts having U2 dreams, too!!
My bfriend doesn´t like U2, but im talking about bono & co 24/7
i mean it must be getting on his nerves, but he hasn´t said
anything, so far :wink:

he probably has nightmares about them though :|
Also, my hubby said he told Bono, "We love you guys!" :happy: I was thinking, "Some of us moreso than others .... and in totally different ways!" :wink:
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