War Child
Alright this kinda came up just now in the chat so i'm thinking.... What was The worst/best movie you have seen in your entire life so far?? It can be anything... hell even a musical for your own scary reason. I think for me... if I had to pick best so'd have to be Bram Stokers Dracula and for worst...some movie a friend of mine once rented when we were doing this whole slumber party called The Vampire Journals....cheesy as hell! and the so called "special" affects ! Goth i wouldn't even want my worst enemy to have to watch that ! anywho. post of not to's up to you guys. ok i'm done.
-Jem- woo-hoo my status have moved up to The Fly >
-Jem- woo-hoo my status have moved up to The Fly >