Blue Crack Distributor
Also from 1988
And I tought the man always chose excellent footwear..
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SWOON to the Nth degree
Randomly found this one the other day...
SWOON to the Nth degree
Oh God, Edge's shoes
Also from 1988
Whoah that's an awful shirt!
Also, is that HQ in the background? Looks like R&H era to me as well. The chin scar, the necklace(seen on R&H dvd, notably during Bad), the long hair that's obviously not a mullet...
It's not just the shoes. Why on earth are his pants rolled up so high?
To show of his bitchin' shoes, of course!
OMG footwear FAIL!
Are you sure is it from 1988? Edge's haircut seems from UF era.
To show of his bitchin' shoes, of course!
Also Edge's ear is pierced here too.
Or the lovely hairy legs. Very charming Edge.
Are they Jellies-cause I had Jellies like that in the 80's.Edge's shoes were the first thing I noticed in this photo
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SWOON to the Nth degree
Also from 1988
Randomly found this one the other day...
SWOON to the Nth degree
awwww Bonoooooo
Bono looks beautiful but Edge's shoes
"I'm the guitar and I play the Edge"
Larry has improved at the whole interview thing!
funny part of this whole thing is I've been searching for a while for the interview that Edge said that. I couldn't place it. I thought it was from JT era. But once you said something about the Converse, I knew exactly what interview that was from
awwww Bonoooooo
Bono looks beautiful but Edge's shoes
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SWOON to the Nth degree