Michael Jackson to Halloween

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Rock n' Roll Doggie Band-aid
Oct 11, 2006
Let's hug it out, bitch.
Alright interference, here is your time to chose... It is a little early but this is going to take a while to make and I want this to look the best.

I want to be Michael Jackson for halloween but I am not the best fan of the red jacket.

Instead I have three choices and I am asking what your favorites are and which reminds you the most of Mr.Jackson. Of halloween I will post pictures of the costume.

For all costumes I will be wearing the short black pants, white socks, shoes, hand-less microphone, and the tape.

The ONLY thing different I will be wearing is that for #3 I will not be wearing the glove, I would only be wearing the white brace shown in the picture.







#3 The shiny jacket is in production and so fat the leotard is only made.



Thank you!
#1, all the way, hands down no question about it!! No MJ costume is right without the Glove imo.

I just want to say however that I don't think the copies are all that great. Get someone to make it closer to the original for you, if you want to do it right!
Well before Michael died, I told my wife that I am going to be MJ for Halloween.

I'm personally going with the Beat It jacket.

In reference to the costumes you've posted....the Grammy Awards picture (#1) is the best!
I wanted to be zombie MJ before he died, but now I think there are going to be too many of them :(
Well before Michael died, I told my wife that I am going to be MJ for Halloween.

I'm personally going with the Beat It jacket.

In reference to the costumes you've posted....the Grammy Awards picture (#1) is the best!

Sorry I feel like an idiot but the picture of the jacket is the Walk of Fame jacket, not the jacket Michael had in the grammy jacket, both are similar though.

I would of done the red jacket but I know many people are going to do that, so I was trying to head in the other direction. :)
I wanted to be zombie MJ before he died, but now I think there are going to be too many of them :(

You can coordinate different Michaels with your friends. Someone can be Jackson 5 Michael, the other can be Off the Wall Michael, Thriller Michael... that'd be a hit.
I think both michael jackson ideas are pretty sweet. Also, the title of this thread is sweet because of the nonsensical wording
I think both michael jackson ideas are pretty sweet. Also, the title of this thread is sweet because of the nonsensical wording


my delima is that i know the blue jacket will look better with the white glove but, will it still look flashy?

because when i walk with it on, i want to have the looks and i dont know if i will get the same reaction as if i would the white jacket.

my delima is that i know the blue jacket will look better with the white glove but, will it still look flashy?

Dude, you'll be wearing a sequined jacket! It'll look flashy no matter what. I think people will recognize the blue as being more MJ than the white. Plus, the glove will pop more in contrast with the blue sleeve
If you do this, I will drive to wherever you live and be a zombie just so I can do that dance move with my arms up waving like a zombie. :drool:

I don't think I know a single person in real life who would have the guts to do something like this. As plain as I am, I'm the craziest person I know. :sad:
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