Rock n' Roll Doggie Band-aid
Alright interference, here is your time to chose... It is a little early but this is going to take a while to make and I want this to look the best.
I want to be Michael Jackson for halloween but I am not the best fan of the red jacket.
Instead I have three choices and I am asking what your favorites are and which reminds you the most of Mr.Jackson. Of halloween I will post pictures of the costume.
For all costumes I will be wearing the short black pants, white socks, shoes, hand-less microphone, and the tape.
The ONLY thing different I will be wearing is that for #3 I will not be wearing the glove, I would only be wearing the white brace shown in the picture.
#3 The shiny jacket is in production and so fat the leotard is only made.
Thank you!
I want to be Michael Jackson for halloween but I am not the best fan of the red jacket.
Instead I have three choices and I am asking what your favorites are and which reminds you the most of Mr.Jackson. Of halloween I will post pictures of the costume.
For all costumes I will be wearing the short black pants, white socks, shoes, hand-less microphone, and the tape.
The ONLY thing different I will be wearing is that for #3 I will not be wearing the glove, I would only be wearing the white brace shown in the picture.
#3 The shiny jacket is in production and so fat the leotard is only made.
Thank you!