MERGED ----> bono observation

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The Fly
Mar 3, 2007
Bono Observation

Hi! I wanted to make a comment about Bono. If I ever had the chance to speak to Mr. Bono and that Larry fellow and the Edge I'd have a lot to say. First, I'd tell Bono to stop wearing those god awful lift shoes. My god! The man has all the talent, brains, and heart - sexy to all end and people would die for (I put myself in that list - adulation of just about anyone in this world, yet he still has these insecurities. Second, Larry, talented, good-looking, and sexy - he's wearing those awful shoes. Third, the Edge just needs to take that darn scalp hat off, shave his whole head and get on with it. For God's sake, the man is by accounts a certified genius. If you agree with me or don't agree with me, give a shout out!! As always, peace to you plebans. You guys rule!!!!!
yeah those shoes are ridiculous but you gotta love them.
Dude the beanie is part of Edges look. Its iconic.
I dont really care about their wardrobe because they create amazing music and they are really good people.
plebans rock on!
exactly.. what they decide to wear is their choice and I could give a rat's ass about their shoes... They could wear paperbags on their heads for all I care.

it's all about the music and the beauty it brings to millions and always has been..:wink:

See, he can hypnotize people.

:edge: You will think there is an H chord. You will think there is an H chord.

U2Fanatic4ever said:
exactly.. what they decide to wear is their choice and I could give a rat's ass about their shoes... They could wear paperbags on their heads for all I care.

it's all about the music and the beauty it brings to millions and always has been..:wink:

same here , wear what ever you like but I draw the line at the paper bag over their heads .... I would die if I couldn't see Bono's
beautiful face ...:love:
europop2005 said:
please tell me what this represents


Well, according to someone who posts here regularly, and who said this recently about almost exactly the same pic, it means this (and she was serious):

I think that Adam's outfits during the POPMart tour just might have been some of the BEST outfits that U2 or any other rock group has ever come up with. Above, Adam is the epitome of cool and class - both on and offstage.You've come a long way, Sparky - and we're very glad that you did.
(Edited to remove all of the really irritating spaces between the sentences.)

Re: Bono Observation

bonobeliever said:
Hi! I wanted to make a comment about Bono. If I ever had the chance to speak to Mr. Bono and that Larry fellow and the Edge I'd have a lot to say. First, I'd tell Bono to stop wearing those god awful lift shoes. My god! The man has all the talent, brains, and heart - sexy to all end and people would die for (I put myself in that list - adulation of just about anyone in this world, yet he still has these insecurities. Second, Larry, talented, good-looking, and sexy - he's wearing those awful shoes. Third, the Edge just needs to take that darn scalp hat off, shave his whole head and get on with it. For God's sake, the man is by accounts a certified genius. If you agree with me or don't agree with me, give a shout out!! As always, peace to you plebans. You guys rule!!!!!

Well, I think that saying something like that when you meet the guys would be a little disrespectful.

A lot of fans dream about meeting the boys, complaining about the way they dress would be the very last thing that comes to my mind.

As someone here has said before, the way they dress is part of their unique beings. I couldn't care less, really.
Re: Bono Observation

bonobeliever said:
Hi! I wanted to make a comment about Bono. If I ever had the chance to speak to Mr. Bono and that Larry fellow and the Edge I'd have a lot to say. First, I'd tell Bono to stop wearing those god awful lift shoes. My god! The man has all the talent, brains, and heart - sexy to all end and people would die for (I put myself in that list - adulation of just about anyone in this world, yet he still has these insecurities. Second, Larry, talented, good-looking, and sexy - he's wearing those awful shoes. Third, the Edge just needs to take that darn scalp hat off, shave his whole head and get on with it. For God's sake, the man is by accounts a certified genius. If you agree with me or don't agree with me, give a shout out!! As always, peace to you plebans. You guys rule!!!!!

... and what will you be wearing when you tell them what they should be wearing?? ...
Even from the early days of U2, Bono has worn boots with heals and now the platform shoes. I have read that his height is somewhere around five foot seven, which really isn't that short.

I am a female who is five foot four. But, maybe Bono while growing up, was teased a lot by some mean kids, in regards to his height.

Anyway, it is the love, kindness we give to others, that matters. Not our heights.
bono observation

My dear plebans, I have been a U2 fan from day one, War, October, and it is not my place to be critical - please forgive me. And you know what, if I were to see them, I would not be able to speak. I'd probably be speechless or faint. I would be so excited to see them in the flesh. So please, I am not putting them down. I love U2. U2 forever!!!
for europe it's quite short, well for my country it's miniscular :wink: (holland)
Every person has its insecurities, and his height is definately Bono's main part (and the holding his jacket closed pose lately)
if he wants to wear these huge shoes, why complain to him about it? what does it matter what he wears? does it change how he sings or performs?
He's a musician, he makes music, in the end all that matters is the sound, not the looks... and it seems rude to me if you're gonna tell Bono what to wear or how to wear it... what's next? telling him how to do his hair? where to buy his clothes? what to eat?
he's a grown man who is capable enough to take care of his own life, that you criticise his outfit is fine, but there's no need to be telling him that!
I don't care how they dress either, infact I love how they dress :wink: I think it's cool.

And even though Bono may be insecure about his height, it's also cute that he can joke about it too.

"I look up to you...Literally!" To the very tall Tyra Banks :giggle:
Bonogirl777 said:

See, he can hypnotize people.

:edge: You will think there is an H chord. You will think there is an H chord.


I think the hat is essential. I think Edge more than the other three constantly looks cooler that he did 10 years ago. My only snipe would be.. don't over dye the goatee.. there was a mid-vertigo period where it was veering on blue.
last unicorn said:
I think Bono's height is perfect, for me he is in the absolutly right kissing position. :wink:

:wink: he's in the right position to nuzzle my neck I think...

:drool: which I wouldn't mind... at all
I met Bono a few days ago here in Italy and there's no way he's 5'7: 5'5'...5'6 tops. But who cares? He's the best in the world!
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