Oh my God, ridiculous story (tabloied style, couldn't care less), but wonderful photos (especially Bono with out glasses, I LOVE it, he looks so cute and natural). And they are SO holding hands, if you ask me, and I am glad they do, I love it. This is Bono's way to show affection and it has nothing to do with being married or anything. I am glad that he doesn't seem to care about narrow-minded people who think that you can not hold hands with a person you like. I love to hold hands with people I like, it gives me comfort. I don't see anything wrong with it, more the opposite, it gives me a warm fuzzy feeling inside to see that.
When we saw him in Germany, he was holding hands with Bob Geldof. Are they having an affair as well? I thought that was very sweet.
One thing I love about him is that he has something fatherly about him and at the same time something child-like.
And as for Bono being short: We all know it by now, of course it becomes even more obvious when he's in the presence of a supermodel à la Christy. BTW, she's very pretty.