May 7, 2018 - San Jose, CA - SAP Center

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Apologies because I have not really been paying much attention to anything tour-related recently, but do we have any idea who the opening bands are yet? I’m arriving late in the day for night 1 (have to work Monday, damn it!) and trying to figure out if I care about missing the opener.
I’m looking for 1 GA for Monday if anyone knows someone who knows someone.
Anyone going early this morning to grab a wristband for the GA line? Apparently the venue gives hen out between 9-12.

Im in SF and thinking of driving down to pick up the wristbands before noon then hitting the Capitola for a bit before heading back to the venue at 5.
We all gathered at a park across from the arena at 6. Moved to the opposite corner in a parking lot area to line up around 7. A guy brought a propane grill and enough supplies to make pancakes for pretty much everyone in line.
Around 8 we moved again, this time onto arena property.
Then around 930 we started getting banded. The staff kinda flubbed it and weren’t giving out the wristbands in numerical order. They thought it would be no big deal, they obviously don’t know who we are.
I’ve been back in my room for about half an hour. I’ll head back around 4.
I'm going but not till later - like 7. I'll look for y'all on the floor.
I hurt my back over the weekend and no longer want to stand so I picked up some first deck seats this morning. So I now have two GA's if anyone is still looking, message me!
Hey all. I'm not going to the SJ shows. But I just looked at ticketmaster, and SJ2 has some pretty awesome seats that are available in sections 117 and 127.
Those are directly stage left and stage right, both have several rows available from about row 6 to row 10 and they are now 76 bucks. and a side enough view where i think you would get a good view of the screen.
Im looking around trying to figure out which guy is you. Are you the one in the Stars and Stripes hat and flashy jacket?
Are you currently sitting down?
I stood up am looking around for ya
Everyone can go to sleep knowing that I spotted brooklynmike.

Nice to shake your hand, sir
hi, i'm going tomorrow but since Edge was out today meeting the fans, do you think him or the others will come out tomorrow?

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