Makers of Mountain Dew U2 Fans?

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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Sep 23, 2009
I saw this at the store last night for the first time, and couldn't help but think of my favorite band in the world when I saw it... so I had to buy it and snap a picture to post! Anyone else thinking the same thing? :lol:

I saw this at the store last night for the first time, and couldn't help but think of my favorite band in the world when I saw it... so I had to buy it and snap a picture to post! Anyone else thinking the same thing? :lol:


Baby, baby, baby light my way.

I love being a member of the uber-U2 geek squad. It's the first thing I thought when I saw the Mt. Dew and the only reason I'm going to try it.

I know Mt. Dew has nothing to do with U2, it just proves that U2 is ahead of its time--18 years ahead of its time.

Next you'll try to imply that Edge didn't invent the guitar.


Of course I also remember saying out loud to people that Edge should sue ford the first time I saw a commercial for that car the Edge. (Infringement AND defamation of character, that thing is damn ugly).
Surprisingly, ultraviolet was actually a term before U2 decided to title a song with it.

Main Entry: ul·tra·vi·o·let
Pronunciation: \ˌəl-trə-ˈvī-(ə-)lət\
Function: adjective
Date: 1840

1 : situated beyond the visible spectrum at its violet end —used of radiation having a wavelength shorter than wavelengths of visible light and longer than those of X-rays
2 : relating to, producing, or employing ultraviolet radiation

— ultraviolet noun
I wish there were a non-diet version... I'm not really a fan of diet soda. It's not bad though. I do love the name and I love the Dew™.

Currently Mountain Dew is coming up with new flavors and I'm part of their Labs community where I get to give my input ... we were to suggest names for a flavor ... I suggested Mountain Dew RIOT... inspired by the way Bono yells "RIOT!" in the Crazy Tonight remix :D

I wish U2 would do a Mountain Dew commercial. Everyone here would hate them for being sell-outs, but Dew™ and U2™ are two of my favourite things. So together they would be even more awesome and XTREME!! FUCK YEAH PARTY CHEETOS
I saw this at the store last night for the first time, and couldn't help but think of my favorite band in the world when I saw it... so I had to buy it and snap a picture to post! Anyone else thinking the same thing? :lol:


If I squint hard enough, I see "ULTRAVIOLET LOVE" on that label.

Besides, that's clearly what it would have been back in '92, also.
I bought some of that last month (it was kinda gross), didn't think about the name! but I hope they didn't name it after the song, because as I said it was kinda gross. Maybe it would have been better if it wasn't diet.
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I didn't think it was all that bad. If you don't like grape flavor, then you won't like the drink. It definitely has a strong grape flavor.
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